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Apply for the Early-Career Scientist Abstract Award!

October 17, 2024

At ASPET 2025, early-career scientists will have the chance to be recognized for their research. Apply for an Early-Career Scientist Abstract Award by submitting an abstract in the areas of Drug Discovery and Development, Molecular Pharmacology or Translational and Clinical Pharmacology.

The award will provide paid registration to an early-career scientist who will be presenting their work at the ASPET 2025 Annual Meeting. All applicants must be ASPET members within 15 years of receiving a PhD, or equivalent terminal degree, who are also past the postdoctoral stage.

Be sure to sign up for the information webinar, "How to Write a Good Abstract and the Importance of Making a Good First Impression" on October 22, 2024. Experts will discuss strategies, tips and tricks on putting together your best abstract. Learn what judges look for when evaluating abstracts for acceptance, and the basics of abstract writing and presentation. Take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen your abstract and enhance your career.

Applications are also open for travel and poster awards for students and postdocs, but you must be a member to be eligible. Joining ASPET or renewing your 2025 membership before submitting an abstract can save you up to $60 in submission fees as a presenting author. Submit your travel and poster awards applications, and abstracts by November 7, 2024. 

Submit An Abstract Today!

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