In This Section

Hosted by the ASPET Division for Molecular Pharmacology (MP)

August 10, 2022


This session will be about RNA in situ hybridization – a powerful alternative to immunohistochemistry. It allows you to determine which genes are expressed in specific cells or tissue. It is particularly useful when good antibodies for your protein are not available. The technique itself is not very new, but RNA in situ hybridization used to be a very tricky to perform. Because of that many people stay away from it. RNAscope changed that and made RNA in situ hybridization accessible to many labs. Many researchers wanting to know spatial expression of specific genes will benefit from this session. Pros and cons of this technique will be discussed, and members of the audience can ask the questions at the end.


Isaac Fisher,  PhD, Purdue University


Alexey Pronin, PhD, University of Miami School of Medicine
RNAscope: RNA in Situ hybridization Made (Relatively) Easy


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