ASPET hosts a variety of special events to put you in touch with other members and like-minded scientists while in San Diego.
Volunteer Service Project
Give a Day of Service to San Diego at EB 2020
ASPET Member Lounge
Open Saturday through Tuesday of the annual meeting in Room 17B of the convention center. It’s where ASPET members can grab a daily morning coffee, hold one-on-one meetings, network with colleagues, meet ASPET members and leaders, relax, or catch up on work using ASPET Wifi.
Pharmacology Posters Highlighted
ASPET has several ways to help you find the latest and greatest in pharmacology research. There are daily pharmacology poster sessions on Sunday through Tuesday of the annual meeting on a variety of specialized pharmacology topics and complementing that day’s symposia.
The poster presentation hours of 10:00 am – 12:00 pm are unopposed. No symposia are scheduled during this time period.
Look for blue ribbons to find the ASPET Program Committee’s Blue Ribbon Picks. These are the highest scoring ASPET abstracts.
Stop by the ASPET Daily Datablitz in the poster hall on Sunday through Tuesday at 10:30 am for a fast-paced half hour of the top science of the day. Ten young scientists each give 3 minute teasers of their posters. Visit their posters afterwards to learn more.
GPCR Colloquium
Arrive a day early in San Diego and add an extra ticket to your EB registration so you can attend the Colloquium on G Protein-Coupled Receptors: Evolving Insights from Pharmacology to Physiology. The colloquium starts at 2:00 pm on Friday, April 3 and ends by 12:30 pm on Saturday, April 4. Learn more.
Saturday Special Events
4:30 pm - Business Meeting and Awards Presentation
6:00 pm - EB Tang Prize Lecture
7:00 pm - EB Welcome Reception
Sunday Special Events
7:30 am - Diversity and Inclusion Breakfast (RSVP required)
12:15 pm - Undergraduate Networking and Career Development Luncheon (RSVP required)
6:30 pm - Student/Postdoc Poster Competition
7:30 pm - ASPET Board of Publications Trustees Joint Editorial Boards Dinner (By invitation only)
8:30 pm - ASPET Student / Postdoc Mixer
Monday Special Events
6:00 pm - ASPET Division Annual Meetings
Learn about the latest initiatives and meet the leadership of the following divisions:
Behavioral Pharmacology, Cancer Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Drug Discovery and Development, Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
6:30 pm – ASPET Division Mixers
Mix and mingle with members of the following divisions: Behavioral Pharmacology, Cancer Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Drug Discovery and Development, Neuropharmacology, Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
Tuesday Special Events
6:00 pm - ASPET Division Annual Meetings
Learn about the latest initiatives and meet the leadership of the following divisions:
Drug Metabolism and Disposition, Molecular Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Pharmacology Education (5:30 pm), Toxicology
6:30 pm – ASPET Division Mixers
Mix and mingle with members of the following divisions: Drug Metabolism and Disposition, Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacology Education, Toxicology