In This Section

Torald Sollmann Lecture
Washington Convention Center, Room 143A/B
8:30 am - 9:20 am

     Marcus M. Reidenberg, Weill Cornell Medical College
          Drug Discontinuation Effects are Part of the Pharmacology of a Drug: 
            Cardiovascular Drug Discontinuations


Autism and PDD: Neuropathology, Pharmacotherapies, and New Directions
Washington Convention Center, Room 140B
9:30 am - 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Behavioral Pharmacology; Integrative Systems, Translational & Clinical Pharmacology; & Neuropharmacology
Chair: E.A. Walker, Temple Univ. Sch. of Pharmacy

The brain in autism:  Perspectives from neuropsychology and neuroimaging
    Robert Schultz, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Neurochemistry in the pathophysiology of autism
    Michael G. Aman, Ohio State University 

Serotonin dysregulation in autism spectrum disorders
    Diane C. Chugani, Wayne State University

Genetic animal models of autism:  Molecules to potential therapeutics
    Craig M. Powell, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

  Dysregulation of dopamine and glutamate neurotransmission in animal models of self-injurious behavior
    Darragh P. Devine, University of Florida

Idiosyncratic Drug Reactions
Washington Convention Center, Room 141
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Toxicology and Drug Metabolism
Chair: C. Ju, Univ. of Colorado at Denver

The challenge of developing animal models to study idiosyncratic drug reactions
   Jack Uetrecht,
Univ of Toronto, Canada

Non-clinical testing approaches to evaluate immunotoxicity during different stages of drug development
    Tom Kawabata, Pfizer Inc.

Probing mechanisms of inter-individual susceptibility to toxicants with population-based experimental approaches
    Ivan Rusyn, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Drug-induced thrombocytopenia –insights and models
    Lauren Trepanier, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Sch. Of Vet. Med.

Oxygen/nitrogen stress in acetaminophen toxicity in mice
    Jack Hinson, Univ of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Novel Regulation, Physiological Roles, and Pharmacological Intervention of GPCR-Adenylyl Cyclase Signaling Systems
Washington Convention Center, Room 143A/B
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Molecular Pharmacology; Cardiovascular Pharmacology; and Neuropharmacology
Chairs: C.W. Dessauer, University of Texas HSC at Houston and V.J. Watts, Purdue Univ.

Selective regulation of adenylyl cylcase isoforms by cellular microdomains
    Dermot M. Cooper, University of Cambridge

GPCR specificity in activation of cAMP signaling pathways
    Rennolds S. Ostrom, University of Tennessee

Olfaction in the kidney:  Role of the olfactory adenylyl cyclase system
    Jennifer Pluznick, Johns Hopkins University

AC6 gene transfer: cAMP-independent effects.
    H. Kirk Hammond, Univ. of California, San Deigo and VA San Diego Health Care System

Therapeutic research for AC5: New pharmacological insights
    Sandra Siehler, Novartis Institues for Biomedical Research

Regenerative Pharmacology and Translational Therapies for Repair of Nerve and Muscle Diseases/Disorders
Washington Convention Center, Room 140B
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Integrative Systems, Translational & Clinical Pharmacology and Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Chairs: F.C. Barone, SUNY Downstate Medical Ctr. and G.J. Christ, Wake Forest Univ.

Regenerative pharmacology and bioengineering for and repair and replacement of skeletal muscle
    George J. Christ, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center 

 Translational studies and gene therapy for regeneration and repair of myotubular myopathy
    Martin Childers, Wake Forest University Health Science Ctr

 Biomaterials as pharmacological tools for peripheral nerve regeneration and repair
    Kacey G. Marra, Univ. of Pittsburgh

Umbilical cord cells for intervention in human disease of the nervous system
    Alison E. Willing, University of South Florida College of Medicine

Cellular and pharmacological interventions for brain injury:  Amplifying the endogenous recovery process
    Michael Chopp, Henry Ford Health System

Therapeutic Targeting of Epoxyeicosanoids
Washington Convention Center, Room 143C
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology
Chairs: J.D. Imig, Medical College of Wisconsin and C. Lee, Univ of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Epoxyeicosanoid metabolism
    Art Spector, Lab. of Molec. Signaling, NIAAA, NIH

Epoxyeicosanoids in the heart: regulation of mitochondria and protein from ischemic injury
    John Seubert, Univ. of Alberta, Canada

Epoxyeicosanoids as a potential therapeutic for inflammation and atherosclerosis
    Craig Lee, Univ. of North Carolina Eshelman Sch. of Pharmacy

Anti-hypertensive consequences of renal epoxygenase interactions with adenosine receptors
    Mairead Carroll, New York Medical College

Interaction of angio-associated migratory cell protein with the TPα and TPβ isoforms of the human thromboxane A2 receptor
   Eamon P. Mulvaney, Univ College, Dublin, Ireland

Prospects and challenges for therapeutic targeting of epoxyeicosanoids
    Bruce Hammock, Univ. of California-Davis



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