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Official Blogger: Tamara Escajadillo
Tamara Escajadillo is a PhD candidate in biomedical science with an emphasis in pharmacology, working in the laboratory of Dr. Victor Nizet at UC San Diego (UCSD). Her research focuses on the neutralization of bacterial pore forming toxins such as group A Streptococcus streptolysin O (SLO), in an effort to improve clinical outcomes during severe invasive disease. Her work has been supported previously by the UCSD Pharmacology Training Program and currently through the PhRMA Foundation Fellowship. As a member of the ASPET Young Scientists Committee (YSC), she has been writer/editor for the PharmTalk blog and was the official blogger for ASPET at Experimental Biology 2017 in Chicago. In her spare time (if any), she enjoys chasing snow storms and making messes in the kitchen.