In This Section

Award Description | Eligibility | Criteria and Selection | Nomination Submission | Nomination Deadline | Prior Recipients 

Award Description 

This achievement award has been established by the ASPET Division for Drug Metabolism and Disposition to recognize excellent original research by early career investigators in the area of drug metabolism and disposition.

The award is presented biennially in odd-numbered years. The award consists of:

  • An invitation to deliver a lecture at the annual meeting describing his/her relevant research accomplishments.
  • An invitation to publish a review article on the subject matter of the award lecture in Drug Metabolism and Disposition.
  • A $1,000 honorarium.
  • A commemorative plaque.
  • Complimentary registration plus travel expenses (to a maximum of $1,000) for the winner to attend the awards ceremony at the annual meeting.


  • The nominator must be an ASPET member in good standing.
  • The candidate must be an ASPET member in good standing.
  • Nominees for this award must have a doctoral degree (e.g., PhD, MD, PharmD, DVM) and must be within 15 years of having received their final degree, as of December 31 of the year of the award.
  • There are no restrictions on institutional affiliation.
  • There is a requirement for two nominators who are ASPET members, although more are acceptable.
  • An individual cannot nominate more than one candidate per award cycle.
  • Candidates who have made their research contributions in any sector (e.g., academia, industry, government) of the drug metabolism community may be nominated for the award.
  • No candidate may receive more than one ASPET award in any given year.
  • The current division chair and secretary/treasurer and the ASPET Council president and secretary/treasurer are ineligible for division awards during their active tenure.

Criteria and Selection

  • The primary criterion for the award is the level of excellence and originality of the research conducted by the candidate in the field of drug metabolism and disposition. Independence of thought, originality of approach, clarity of communication, and the impact of the work on the drug metabolism field are important considerations.
  • Candidates shall not be judged in comparison with the work of more experienced investigators.
  • Selection will be made by the Executive Committee of the Division for Drug Metabolism.

Nomination Materials

Nominations shall be submitted using the ASPET Award Portal by using the login box below and shall consist of:

  1. The candidate's curriculum vitae and publication list (to be uploaded as a PDF).
  2. A brief biographical summary of the candidate and the importance of their work for use in award winner announcements (in no more than 150 words.)
  3. Articles and/or manuscripts that have been accepted for publication and are representative of the candidate's work. The most impactful papers should be mentioned in the nomination and the URLs provided.
  4. Two letters of nomination and support from ASPET members (up to 1000 words each, to be uploaded as separate PDF documents).
  5. Additional letters of nomination and support from ASPET members are allowed but not required. Any additional letters of support should be combined into a single PDF for uploading.
  6. A summary (limited to two pages, to be uploaded as a PDF) that describes the importance of the candidate's research contributions. This summary must include brief statements regarding the candidate's role in the five published papers and the overall significance and impact of the work. 

If any of the following relationships exist between the nominator and the candidate, you are encouraged to disclose it in your letter of nomination:  family member, spouse, partner; current dean, departmental chair, or postdoctoral or graduate advisor; current business or financial relationship (e.g., business partner, employer, employee); research collaborator or co-author within the last three years; work at the same institution or having accepted a position at the same institution; previous graduate student or postdoctoral fellow in the last five years; or if either are currently serving on the award selection committee for this award.

Submit your Award Application or Nomination

Apply Now

Nomination Deadline

Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit a nomination is September 3, 2024. 

Award Recipients

2007Qiang Ma
2009Wen Xie
2011Emily E. Scott
2013Nina Isoherranen
2015Namandjé N. Bumpus
2017Hyunyoung (Young) Jeong
2019Lauren M. Aleksunes
2021Huichang Bi
2023Klarissa D. Jackson



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