In This Section

Students interested in a Summer Research Fellowship should contact one of the programs below directly for information on selection criteria and how to apply. 

Institutional Awards

Case Western Reserve University
Marcin Golczak, Program Director

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center 
Nicholas Goeders, Program Director

Michigan State University

Anne Dorrance, Program Director 

Pacific University
Michael Espiritu, Program Director

Rutgers University
Lauren Aleksunes, Program Director

State University of New York at Buffalo
Margarita L. Dubocovich, Program Director

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
William Fantegrossi, Program Director

University of Arizona 

Jennifer Cubeta, Program Director  

University of Cincinnati SURF Program

Jo El J. Schultz,  Program Director

University of Florida
Daniel Wesson, Program Director 

University of Illinois, Chicago
Z. Jim Wang, Program Director

University of Michigan 

Lori Isom, Program Director

University of North Carolina  
Lee Graves, Program Director

University of North Dakota
Van Doze, Program Director

University of Pittsburgh 
Michael Palladino, Program Director

University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio  
William Clarke, Program Director

Washington State University

Kathryn E. Meier, Program Director

(listed in alphabetical order)

A portion of these awards were funded through the Gerald J. Dalton/Vincent G. Zannoni Fund. The late Mildred Marie Dalton established the fund through a bequest in her will. The remainder of the awards are funded through the Anthony and Theresa Zannoni Fund, established through a bequest from Vincent G. Zannoni.


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