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Award Description

The ASPET Division for Molecular Pharmacology Early Career Award has been established to recognize scholarly achievements of junior investigators early in their independent careers.

The award will be presented annually during the ASPET Annual Meeting.  The award consists of:

  • A $250 honorarium
  • A commemorative plaque
  • Complimentary registration and travel expenses (up to $500) to attend the ASPET Annual Meeting the year for which the award is bestowed.
  • Invitation to join the division’s Executive Committee for a two-year term.
  • The opportunity to deliver the Keynote Address at the Molecular Pharmacology Division Early Career Award and Postdoc Competition Symposium in conjunction with the ASPET Annual Meeting the year for which the award is bestowed.
  • An invitation to submit a symposium proposal to be considered by the Program Committee for the ASPET Annual Meeting held the year following the award.

Eligibility and Criteria

  • Candidate must be no more than 15 years from receiving a doctorate degree and must be ineligible for ASPET post-doctoral awards.
  • Candidates are welcome from ASPET members in academia, industry, government, or other employment.
  • Candidate must be a member of ASPET in good standing (i.e. current year's dues must be paid prior to applying) 
  • Candidates must be nominated by other ASPET members.
  • Candidates will be judged based on their submission materials including publications, letters of support, and likelihood of advancing the field of Molecular Pharmacology in the future.
  • The current division chair and secretary/treasurer and the ASPET Council president and secretary/treasurer are ineligible for division awards during their active tenure.


Selection will be made by a committee comprised of past chairs of the Division for Molecular Pharmacology, plus the current chair as an ex officio non-voting member.

Nomination Materials

Nominations shall be submitted using the ASPET Award Portal by logging into the box below and shall consist of:

  1. Candidate’s curriculum vitae and bibliography.
  2. Three letters of support by ASPET members with whom the nominee has not trained (uploaded in separate PDFs)
  3. A brief biographical summary of the candidate and the importance of their work for use in award winner announcements (in no more than 150 words.)

If any of the following relationships exist between the nominator and the candidate, you are encouraged to disclose it in your letter of nomination:  family member, spouse, partner; current dean, departmental chair, or postdoctoral or graduate advisor; current business or financial relationship (e.g., business partner, employer, employee); research collaborator or co-author within the last three years; work at the same institution or having accepted a position at the same institution; previous graduate student or postdoctoral fellow in the last five years; or if either are currently serving on the award selection committee for this award.

Access the Awards Portal to Submit Applications or Nominations and to Review Submissions

Apply Now

Nomination Deadline


Nominations open July 2025 


Prior Recipients

    Chia-Hsin (Lori) Chan
    Karen J. Gregory and Angeline M. Lyon
    2022Matthew Torres and Cheng Zhang
    2023Roshanak Irannejad
    2024Tao Che 
    2025Nikoleta Tsvetanova



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