Saturday, April 20
Graduate Student Colloquium: Introducing the Individual Development Plan: A Key to Success
Boston Convention Center, Room 107C
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Chair: Lynn Wecker, University of South Florida
session group leaders: Marcus DeLatte, FDA, Silver Spring; Christine C.
Carrico, ASPET; Ann Hanna-Mitchell, Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med.;
Mary Jeanne Kallman, Covance Labs.; Harriet Kamendi, AstraZeneca; Susan
Ingram, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ.
As Yogi Berra once said,
"You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you
might not get there.” Although Yogi was likely not thinking about a
scientific career when he made that statement, the concept of the
Individual Development Plan (IDP) as a tool to help individuals assess
their skills, interests and values, has been used in the business and
governmental sectors for some time, and has now permeated academia.
Simply put, the IDP is typically used to identify professional goals and
objectives, assess one's skill set relative to these goals, and develop
a plan (both short-term and long-term) to acquire the skills required
to achieve these goals. Most resources would agree that the IDP is
currently recognized as the best practice in promoting professional
development , and is recognized as an important, valuable and beneficial
tool for professionals at all career stages with all types of goals.
It also serves as a communications tool, enabling graduate students to
communicate their long and short term goals with their mentors.
Creating an IDP at the beginning of graduate school can lead to more
effective time management and use of resources, and more focused
efforts, targeted towards achieving career goals.
This colloquium
will begin with a brief overview of ASPET’s new mentoring program and
will quickly move into a synopsis of the steps used to create an IDP.
You will learn how to map out your general career trajectory, match your
skills and strengths with your career choices, and identify areas for
development that build upon your current strengths. Once the process and
steps are presented, attendees will begin to create their own IDP and
should expect to have a solid first version by the time they complete
the workshop, keeping in mind that the IDP is a 'living document' that
continuously evolves throughout one's career.
Individual Development Plan: A Key to Success
Lynn Wecker, Univ. of South Florida
Introduction to ASPET mentoring program
Remy Brim, Bioethics Dept./NIH
Career Path Speakers:
Gunther Kern, AstraZeneca, Boston
Federico Bernal, NCI/NIH
Maja Köhn, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg
Stephani Sutherland, Freelance Science Writer, Scientific American MIND and
Pain Research Forum
Myron Toews, Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr.
Mary Jeanne Kallman, Covance Labs.
Break-out session group leaders:
Myron Toews, Univ. of Nebraska Med. Ctr.
Christine K. Carrico, ASPET
Ann Hanna-Mitchell, Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med.
Mary Jeanne Kallman, Covance Labs.
Harriet Kamendi, AstraZeneca
Susan Ingram, Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ.
ASPET Business Meeting
Boston Convention Center, Room 107AB
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
ASPET Opening and Awards Reception
Sponsored by the National Board of Medical Examiners
Boston Convention Center, SW Lobby
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Sunday, April 21
Diversity Mentoring Breakfast
Westin Boston Waterfront, Revere
7:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Translating pharmacology into career choices in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry
Boston Convention Center, Room 106
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Sponsored by the Divisions for Pharmacology Education; Drug Discovery and Development; and Integrative Systems, Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
Chairs: Janet Clark, Drexel Univ. Col. of Med. and other chair TBD
The integration of pharmacology into the complex fabric of drug discovery and development emphasizes just how critical the discipline is to evaluating a compound, assessing its therapeutic potential, evaluating liabilities and then integrating all of this into making a decision about progression into humans. Leading pharmacologists in the various specialty areas of expertise that contribute to the drug discovery and development process will discuss how their pharmacological specialties contribute to the process and share how they determined their career paths.
Educational initiatives in pharmacology for a career in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry
James Barrett, Drexel Univ. Col. of Med.
Pharmacology in target identification and validation
Peter Hutson, Shire Pharmaceut.
Pharmacogenetics in drug discovery and development
David Stone, Merck Res. Labs.
Pharmacoepidemiology: Studying drugs in populations
Sean Hennessy, Perelman Sch. of Med. at the Univ. of Pennsylvania
Clinical pharmacology and the development of drugs
Darrell Abernethy, FDA, Annapolis
Student/Postdoc Best Abstract Competition
Westin Boston Waterfront, Grand Ballroom AB
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
ASPET/BPS Student & Postdoc Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Harbor Ballroom I
9:00 PM – 11:30 PM
Monday, April 22
Advancing discoveries from the academic laboratory to the market
Boston Convention Center, Room 106
9:30 AM – Noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Drug Discovery and Development & Pharmacology Education
Chair: Robert Leadley, Schoolcraft Col.
As pharmaceutical companies continue to merge and downsize their basic research efforts in many therapeutic areas, there is an increasing need and interest for academic investigators to think entrepreneurially about their discoveries. This symposium will help guide investigators through the various steps leading to commercialization of their research by covering topics such as intellectual property protection, private and public funding opportunities, regulatory requirements, and the steps required to move a discovery out of the lab and into the marketplace.
Intellectual property protection: What, when, and how to protect and share your discovery
Weston Gould
Regulatory hurdles from bench to bedside
Ronald L. Dundore, InfaCare Pharmaceut. Corp.
What to know when working with Technology Transfer Offices
Ronald J. Shebuski, Cardiovascular Research Consulting, LLC
Licensing: Do you have what they really want?
Chris Vlahos, Lilly Res. Labs.
Behavioral Pharmacology and Neuropharmacology Divisions Joint Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Grand Ballroom D
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Molecular Pharmacology Division Business Meeting and Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Burroughs
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Pharmacology Education, Drug Discovery and Development, & Integrative Systems, Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Divisions Joint Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Carlton
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Y.E.S. Young Experimental Scientist Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Galleria
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
*21 & older must have ID to receive drink tickets
Tuesday, April 23
WiP into Shape Networking Walk
Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Meet at the concierge desk.
Cardiovascular Pharmacology Division Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Grand Ballroom D
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Drug Metabolism and Toxicology Divisions Joint Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Commonwealth Ballroom A
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Wednesday, April 24
ASPET Closing Reception
Boston Convention Center, Ballroom Foyer
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sunday, April 21 – Wednesday, April 24
FASEB Career Development Seminars and Workshops for Pharmacology are listed towards the bottom of the following Web page: