WIP Into Shape Networking Walk
Meet at the Grand Hyatt Concierge Desk at 7:15 am
7:00 am – 8:30 am
Diversity Mentoring Breakfast
Grand Hyatt, Burhham
7:30 am – 9:30 am
Julius Axelrod Lecture
Washington Convention Center, Room 143A/B
8:30 am- 9:20 am
Brian Kobilka, Stanford Univ.
insights into the dynamic process of GPCR activation
Julius Axelrod Symposium: Structural Approaches
to Understanding GPCR Signaling
Washington Convention Center, Room 143A/B
9:30 am - 12:00 noon
Chair: Brian Kobilka, Stanford Univ.
basis of biased agonism in GPCRs
Xavier Deupi, Paul Scherrer Institute
adaptations and asymmetry in ligand binding and receptor activation
Jean-Louis Baneres, Inst. des Biomolécules Max Mousseron, France
Electron Microscopy of Signaling Cell Surface Receptors
Georgios Skiniotis, Univ. of Michigan
Drug Metabolism and Action in Pathophysiological Conditions
Washington Convention Center
9:30 am - 12:00 noon, Room 143C
Sponsored by the Divisions for Drug Metabolism; Integrative Systems, Translational & Clinical Pharmacology; and Toxicology
Chairs: R. Ghose, Univ. of Houston and E.T. Morgan, Emory Univ.
Overview and opening remarks
Edward T. Morgan, Emory Univ
Altered expression of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in NAFLD
Nathan Cherrington, Univ of Arizona College of Pharmacy
Effects of inflammation and its treatment on drug action and disposition
Fakhreddin Jamali, Univ of Alberta
Regulation of drug metabolism in viral infections
Maria Croyl, Univ of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy
Toll-like receptors: Novel regulators of hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes
Romi Ghose, Univ of Houston
Metabolism of midazolam is compromised in inflammation
A. S. Ghandi, Univ of Houston
Pharmacology for Healthcare Professionals: A Thirst for Knowledge
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Independence Ballroom H/I
9:30 am- 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Pharmacology Education; Cardiovascular Pharmacology; and Integrative Systems, Translational & Clinical Pharmacology
Chair: L. Wecker, Univ of South Florida
Introduction to teaching pharmacology to health professionals
Lynn Wecker, Univ of South Florida
Designing a pharmacology course for a doctor of physical therapy program
Lynn Wecker, Univ of South Florida
A pharmacology course for physicians assistants
Martha I. Davila-Garcia, Howard Univ
Pharmacology for undergraduate nursing programs
Marshal Shlafer, Univ of Michigan
Pharmacology for the doctor of pharmacy curriculum
Dan Kiel, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
A revised pharmacology curriculum for dental students
Dennis Paul, Louisiana State Univ HSC, New Orleans
The Neurobiology of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Implications for Treatment
Washington Convention Center, Room 140 A
9:30 am - 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Behavioral Pharmacology and Integrative Systems, Translational & Clinical Pharmacology
Chairs: M. Davis, Emory Univ. and L.L. Howell, Emory Univ.
Overview of the clinical problem of PTSD in the military
Robert Ursano, Uniformed Services Univ for the Health Sciences
dysfunction in the single prolonged stress rodent model of PTSD
Shane Perrine, Wayne State Univ
fear learning as a model of posttraumatic stress disorder
Michael Fanselow, UCLA
of safety signal learning in PTSD and role of NMDA receptors in fear extinction
and psychotherapy
Michael Davis, Emory Univ
D-cycloserine enhancement of exposure therapy in social anxiety
Stefan Hofman, Boston Univ
Therapeutic Peptides: Novel Approaches in Drug Development
Washington Convention Center, Room 140B
9:30 am - 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Integrative Systems, Translational & Clinical Pharmacology; Cardiovascular Pharmacology; Drug Metabolism; and Toxicology
Chairs: S. Alagarsamy, Ferring Research Institute and M.A. Holinstat, Thomas Jefferson Univ.
perspective of peptide therapeutics from bench to bedside
Jens Peter Norgaard, Ferring
Cyclase-C agonists: potential therapeutic agents for gastrointestinal disorders
Mark Currie, Ironwood Pharmaceut.
Identification of novel peptides for tumor targeting and in-vivo imaging
Jessica Crisp, Univ of California, San Diego
receptors on the inside with pepducin technology
Athan Kuliopulos, Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med.
therapeutic potential of NT1 agonists in schizophrenia
Joseph Goldberg, Univ of Illinois, Chicago