The Society is governed by an elected Council consisting of the President, the President-Elect and the immediate Past President (each serving for a one-year term in that elected office), the Secretary/Treasurer, the Secretary/Treasurer-Elect and the immediate Past Secretary/Treasurer (each serving for a one-year term in that elected office), and three Councilors (each serving a three-year term in that elected office, with one Councilor retiring each year). In addition to the elected members of Council, the Executive Officer, the chair of the Publications Committee, the chair of the Program Committee, the FASEB Board representative, the Chair of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Committee, and the Chair of the Young Scientists Committee are non-voting ex officio members of Council during their terms in the respective offices.
Nominees must be regular members of the Society, and no member is eligible to be a nominee for more than one elective office at a time (excluding Division offices). Once the slate of nominees is received from the Nominating Committee (see B, below), ASPET staff collects and publishes candidate statements and biographical information for each candidate. Notification that the ballot is available is sent to each voting member of the Society. The election closes 30 days after such notification. A majority of the valid ballots received is sufficient for election to office. In the event of a tie vote, the immediate Past President, President, and President-Elect shall resolve the matter. The newly elected officers assume office on July 1 following their election and serve through June 30 of the year in which their term ends.
Council meetings take place both in person and virtually. In person meetings occur twice a year in the Spring and Fall. Video conference meetings occur every other month. Meetings can be scheduled if circumstances warrant, called by the President with the assistance of the Executive Officer.
Management of the Society is vested in the Council. As the governing board of record, the Council has legal fiduciary responsibility for the financial affairs of the Society. Principal responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
- Attend mandatory one-day Council orientation at the ASPET office prior to taking office.
- Attend Council meetings as scheduled.
- Actively participate in Council discussions on the Council community in ASPETConnect
- Make all major policy decisions relevant to Society activities consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Oversee all Society affairs. Detail work is done by Committees and the Society staff, all of whom are responsible to Council, either directly or through the Executive Officer.
- Approve appointments to Committees established by Bylaws.
- Establish and abolish Divisions.
- Establish and abolish both ad hoc and standing committees as necessary.
- Receive and act upon reports from committees and representatives.
- Review and approve annual budgets and audited financial statements on recommendations of the Finance committee.
- Appropriate funds for special projects not included in the annual budget.
- Respond to letters and memoranda in the periods between Council meetings.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is comprised of the current Chairs of the Divisions, the Chair of the IDEA Committee, the Chair of the Young Scientists Committee, the ASPET immediate Past-President to serve as Chair, and the Executive Officer as an ex officio member without a vote.
The Nominating Committee meets once at the Annual Meeting.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for developing the election slate for the following ASPET officers: President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer-Elect, Councilor.
- Develop slate of at least two nominees for each office.
- Ascertain eligibility of candidates.
- Obtain consent of candidates to stand for office.
View current nominating committee roster and read more information on the nominating committee.
Term of Office
The President serves three years on Council. The first year, beginning July 1 following the election, as President-Elect; the second year as President; and the third year as Past President. If the person elected President is unable to serve as President, the President-Elect succeeds to office.
- Attend mandatory one-day Council orientation at the ASPET office prior to taking office.
- Serve on the ASPET Management Committee.
- Serve as Council liaison to relevant Divisions.
- Chair the ASPET Council meetings and conference calls.
- Run the Annual Business Meeting.
- Chair the ASPET Management Committee.
- Serve as public spokesperson for the Society.
- Provide advice and guidance to Society Staff in between Council meetings/calls.
- Work with Executive Officer to set agendas for Council meetings/calls, and resolve other issues not requiring full Council attention.
- Serve ex officio on the Investment Subcommittee of the Finance Committee.
- Serve as Council liaison to relevant Divisions.
Past President:
- Chair the Nominating Committee.
- Chair the Council of Division Chairs.
- Serve on the ASPET Management Committee.
- Serve as Council liaison to relevant Divisions.
Term of Office
The Secretary/Treasurer serves three years on Council. The first year, beginning July 1 following the election, as Secretary/Treasurer-elect; the second year as Secretary/Treasurer; and the third year as Past Secretary/Treasurer. If the person elected Secretary/Treasurer is unable to serve as Secretary/Treasurer, the Secretary/Treasurer-Elect succeeds to office.
- Attend mandatory one-day Council orientation at the ASPET office prior to taking office.
- Serve as a member of the ASPET Council for three years.
- Serve as a member of the Finance Committee for three years, chairing it during the year serving as Secretary/Treasurer. The Finance Committee meets twice yearly, just before the Council meeting at the annual meeting in April and just before the Council meeting in October. Additional telephone or video conference meetings may be called as needed.
- Serve as a member of the Investment Subcommittee for three years. The Investment Subcommittee usually meets once annually, in the Spring.
- Review budget prepared by ASPET accountant and Executive Officer and present budget to Finance Committee and Council.
- Present financial report to the membership at the annual Business Meeting.
- Sign necessary forms and certifications as Society's chief financial official.
- Serve as Council liaison to relevant Divisions and Committees.
Term of Office
The Councilor serves on the Council for three years, beginning July 1 following the election.
- Attend mandatory one-day Council orientation at the ASPET office prior to taking office.
- Serve as a member of the ASPET Council for three years.
- Serve as Council liaison to relevant Divisions.
- Serve as reviewer for the ASPET Travel Awards.
- Serve as reviewer for IUPHAR travel awards every four years.
- Senior councilor chairs the ASPET Awards Committee.
- Serve one year as incoming chair on the ASPET Awards Committee in your second year of service on Council.
Revised February 2022