In This Section

Letter from the TCP Chair

April 29, 2020

Felix KimAs we prepare for the 2021 Experimental Biology meeting, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our membership for their ongoing support since I assumed the role of Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Division Chair in 2019. Our division stands at the interface of multiple disciplines, and our diverse membership includes leaders in academia, industry and government. Although we unfortunately were not able to interact in person in 2020 due to the cancellation of the Experimental Biology Conference, there are many ways to become involved in the division, including our three core committees:

  1. Awards. Responsible for coordinating TCP’s annual awards sessions and overseeing the biennial Ray Fuller Lecture and Symposium.
  2. Communications. In charge of the Division’s website and responsible for identifying new ways to communicate with and serve membership throughout the year.
  3. Programming: Responsible for proactively identifying “hot topics” for ASPET’s annual meeting and recommending innovate new programming that best serves our membership.

We are currently seeking volunteers for each committee - if interested, please contact the division Secretary/Treasurer elect, Brandi Wynne ( I look forward to working with all of our members to help make Experimental Biology 2021 a success.


Felix Kim
Chair, Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Division

Related Files:
  • TCP Division

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