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2017 Division for Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Award Winners

June 15, 2017

EB2017 Best Presentation Competition Winners (Poster Sessions)

Postdoctoral Scientist Category

2017 TCP Best Presentation Postdoc Winners 

In the postdoctoral scientist category, prizes were awarded to Benjamin Tourdot (1st) (on right) from the University of Michigan, Mohamed Ghonim (2nd) (center) from the Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Jaclyn Wisinski (2nd) (on left) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Jason Conley (3rd) (not pictured) from Purdue University.

Graduate Student Category

2017 TCP Best Presentation Grad Winners 

In the graduate student category, prizes were awarded to Rachel Fenske (1st) (on left) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cameron Kieffer (2nd) (center) from Creighton University, and Jeffery Wang (3rd) (on right) from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans.

TCP Young Investigator Awards Platform Session Winners (Oral Sessions)

2017 TCP Young Investigator Awards 

In the young investigator category, prizes were awarded to Jennifer Yeung (1st) (on left) from University of Michigan, Jeremy Miyauchi (2nd) (center) from SUNY Stony Brook, and Robert Helsley (3rd) (on right) from the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute.

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  • TCP Division

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