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DPE Event Schedule for EB 2010

June 26, 2012

DPE Event Schedule for EB 2010

SUNDAY, April 25 at 5:45 PM, DPE Business Meeting in the Anaheim Convention Center, Room 210C.

MONDAY April 26, 7:00-9:00 PM, Mixer, Hilton Salinas

DPE Programming

1. SATURDAY, April 24 12:30-3:00 PM: Teaching Institute: Simulation in Pharmacology Education: Going Beyond Mannequins (Lynn Crespo) Convention Center Room 208

2. SUNDAY, April 25 9:30-Noon Applying Web 2.0 Technologies in Teaching Pharmacology: Developing the Tool Box (Bill Jefferies, John Szarek, and Sharon Dennis) Anaheim Hilton Palos Verde AB

3. MONDAY April 26 9:30AM-Noon Introduction of Drug Safety (Pharmacovigilance) into Curricula (Speakers: George Dunaway, Jack Strandhoy, Curt Furberg, Carl Faingold, and Scott Mittelstadt) Convention Center Room 210C

4. MONDAY April 26 DPE Poster Sessions Open 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM; Presenters will be present from 12:45 PM to 2:45 PM.

5. MONDAY April 26 3:00-5:30 PM Making Medical Pharmacology More Clinically Relevant (Speakers: Kathryn K. McMahon, Dale Quest, Amy Wilson-Delfosse, and George Dunaway) Convention Center Room 210C

Committee on Graduate Recruitment and Education Programs

1. SATURDAY, April 24, 3:15-5:00 PM Graduate Student-Postdoc Colloquium: Leadership: Skills, Styles and Self Awareness, (Suzanne B. Bausch and Meera Sridharan, organizers) Michael Zigmond, Kimberly Petrie, Floyd Bloom, speakers: Convention Center Room 209

2. SUNDAY, April 25, Graduate Student-Postdoc Best Abstracts Competition, 6:30PM, Hilton California Ballroom C

3. SUNDAY, April 25, Student and Post-doctorate Mixer, 9:00PM, Hilton Laguna AB

4. MONDAY, April 26 Y.E.S Young Experimental Scientists Mixer, 9:00PM, Marriott Grand Ballroom E

5. MONDAY, April 26 at 12:30 PM, Graduate Recruitment and Education Committee Meeting: Hilton Monterey

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  • DPE Division

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