Dear Molecular Pharmacology Division Members,
We are actively seeking information about recent accomplishments and successes of our members for the upcoming issue of The Pharmacologist. Specifically, we would like to hear from you if you (or members you know) have achieved the following:
- Awards/Honors
- Grants
- Promotions
- New appointments
- Professional achievements
Please send any information you have, in regards to this, to either Jason Davis ( or Jennifer Cash ( by Wednesday, May 1, 2019. We will be compiling this information to share these exciting announcements with ASPET for publication in the upcoming issue of The Pharmacologist. With each submission, please include the following information:
- Name and title
- Institution
- The achievement and the associated date(s) (the highlighted achievement should be no more than a few months removed)
- A short biography (this excerpt should also include some information about the member, and preferably be no more than 200 words)
- A high-resolution headshot (please send as a separate image file)
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Jason Davis and Jennifer Cash
Co-Communication Officers, Division for Molecular Pharmacology of ASPET