The Importance of Pharmacology to Regenerative Medicine Innovation
Tuesday April 05, 2022
8:00 am
9:30 am
Central Time (CT)
113 C
Chair(s) :
Traci Czyzyk
Merck Research Laboratories
Jeffrey Paul
Drexel College of Medicine Graduate School /JPharm Consulting
Regenerative medicine, broadly defined, encompasses therapeutic interventions that replace, engineer or regenerate cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal physiology. Regenerative pharmacology is specifically focused on the biochemical stimulation of the body's own repair mechanisms to functionally heal previously irreparable tissues or organs. Integration of pharmacological approaches with the development of biomanufacturing, tissue/cell maturation and evaluation of tissue engineered constructs/products represent major opportunities for further expanding active areas of investigation. This symposium will explore the breadth of ways in which pharmacology is woven into the very fabric of regenerative medicine.
George Christ
- University of Virginia
Overview of Regenerative Pharmacology
This talk will discuss the integral role of pharmacology at all stages of in the development, evaluation, validation and deployment of regenerative medicine/tissue engineering technologies.
Girija Goyal
- Wyss Institute, Harvard
Human Organ Chips: Clinical Mimicry in Preclinical Models
This talk will review the promising role of “organs on a chip” technologies to development of novel therapeutics.
Barbara Boyan
- Virginia Commonwealth University
Functionalized Biomaterials for Tissue/Cell Specific Drug Delivery for Regenerative Medicine Applications
This talk will review the use(s) of functionalized biomaterials for disease specific drug delivery.
Kaitlyn Sadtler
Immuno-engineering/Pharmacological Modulation of Therapeutic Biomaterials for Regeneration
This talk will review the importance of immnunoengineering/modulation to development of regenerative biomaterials and medical devices.