In This Section

G Protein Signaling in Regulation of Metabolism and Diabetes

Saturday April 04, 2020

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern Time (ET)

Room 17 A


Chair :

Adriano Marchese
Medical College of Wisconsin

Vladlen Slepak
University of Miami

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activate signaling pathways in the pancreas, skeletal muscle, the CNS and other tissues to regulate metabolism. This signaling is important in normal physiology, but its dysregulation can lead to diseases such as diabetes and obesity, which are the major contributing factors to cardiovascular disease. Talks in this session will address recently emerged unique and understudied aspects of G protein signaling in metabolism. The session will provide a unifying theme by which targeting novel aspects of GPCR signaling has the potential to be therapeutically relevant in diabetes and obesity.


Vladlen Slepak - University of Miami

The Role of the Gbeta5-R7 RGS Protein Complex in Metabolism and Hormone Secretion

Michelle Kimple - University of Wisconsin

Beta-cell EP3 and Gαz Signaling and Susceptibility to Diabetes: A Beneficial Adaptation or a Dysfunctional Consequence?

Jurgen Wess - NIDDK, Molecular Signaling Section, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry

Skeletal Muscle-specific Activation of Gq Signaling in vivo greatly Improves Impaired Glucose Homeostasis

Graeme Milligan - University of Glasgow

Chemogenetic Approaches to Define Metabolic Roles of Short Chain Fatty Acids

Daniela Dengler - Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

Identification and Characterization of Dual-Acting Small Molecule Modulators targeting Secretin Receptors

Darby Peter - UW-Madison

Beta-cell-specific Loss of the Inhibitory G protein, Gα, has Sex-dependent Effects on Development and Pathophysiology of Type 1 Diabetes