Envisioning the Scope of Pharmacology Education for the Next Decade
Sunday April 03, 2022
2:00 pm
3:30 pm
Eastern Time (ET)
109 AB
Chair :
Joe Blumer
Medical University of South Carolina
Kelly Quesnelle
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville
Pharmacology educators are looking for guidance on incorporating the most essential drugs while fostering deeper understanding in their learners and avoiding cognitive overload. This session will address the challenges of balancing these demands. Participants will be assigned to a working group using either a) hypertension or b) diabetes as a model disease state and they will be asked to refine an expansive drug list, learning objectives, and effective teaching pedagogies for the disease state. Large group discussion will follow about this process and whether ASPET should engage in this work more frequently. Participants will leave with their team-curated lists.
Michael Lee
- Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin
Envisioning the Scope of Pharmacology Education for the Next Decade
This session will provide a forum for educators to discuss the challenges of new drug approvals, reduced time with learners, and cognitive overload. The conflict between students' scientific understanding and preparation for clinical practice and licensing exams will also be presented. The unique position of ASPET as an organization for collaboration between pharmacology educators will be highlighted. We will share best practices in a way that we hope will be a spring board for future collaborations among the DPE membership.
Brooks McPhail
- University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville
Envisioning the Scope of Pharmacology Education for the Next Decade
John Szarek
- Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Envisioning the Scope of Pharmacology Education for the Next Decade