In This Section

Drugging DNA Damage Response & Repair: A Layered Therapeutic Approach for Cancer Treatment

Monday April 08, 2019

8:00 am - 10:00 am Eastern Time (ET)

Room W205 A


Chair :

Robert van Waardenburg
University of Alabama at Birmingham

DNA damage response and repair pathways are at the forefront of molecularly-targeted therapeutic strategies, as tumor-induced defects in DNA repair or checkpoint signaling can be exploited by selective targeting of other repair pathways. This is exemplified by successful targeting of PARP1/2, Chk1/Wee1, and ATM/ATR, as well as additional drug development efforts focused on DNA repair. This symposium highlights resurgent interests in selective targeting of these survival pathways, and how these efforts may be exploited to augment current cancer therapy, topics which are timely and of significant impact in the fields of cancer pharmacology, drug discovery and drug development.


Robert Godin - AstraZeneca

WEE1-Inhibitor Adavosertib (AZD1775) in Clinical Trials

Judith Campbell - California Institute of Technology

DNA2 Nuclease-helicase Inhibitor, Targeting the Achilles Heel of Cancer Cells

Maria Speis - University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

The RAD52-ssDNA Interaction Inhibition: Targeting DNA Replication and Repair Interface in BRCA-deficient Cancers

Robert van Waardenburg - University of Alabama at Birmingham

Turning the DNA Repair Protein TDP1 into a Cellular Poison as a Potential Strategy for Cancer Treatment