In This Section

Division for Toxicology - Highlights and Advances in Toxicology

Friday April 30, 2021

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern Time (ET)

View session on the EB Virtual Platform (EB registration required)


Chair :

Brian Cummings
Univ of Georgia-Athens College of Pharmacy

Qing Ma
Univ of Buffalo

This session will highlight advances in toxicology as selected from abstract submissions as well as keynote lectures by the ASPET Division for Toxicology's Career Award winner and Early Career Award winner.


Debra Laskin - Rutgers Univ

Inflammatory Macrophages and Tissue Injury: Agents of Defense or Destruction?

Julia Yue Cui - Univ of Washington

Reprogramming the Gut-liver Axis by Targeting the Gut Microbiome

Sandy El-Sayed - Chapman University School of Pharmacy

Recombinant Human Proteoglycan-4 Regulates Phagocytic Activation of Monocytes and Reduces IL-1b Secretion by Urate Crystal Stimulated PBMCs

Hung-Chun Tung - University of Pittsburgh

Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 1B1 Prevents Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation and Liver Fibrosis

Francisco Rios - BHF-ICAMS - University of Glasgow

TRPM7 is Protective against Hypertension, Cardiovascular Inflammation and Fibrosis Induced by Aldosterone and Salt