Administrative Accomplishments
Since beginning my faculty appointment, I have had significant departmental, school, and national/international service. I was an invited participant at the 2014 Department of Medicine (DOM) Research Infrastructure Retreat and 2017 and 2018 Leadership Retreats; Co-chair of the research infrastructure task force; Endocrinology Division Representative to the DOM Tenure and Promotions Advisory Committee, and Faculty Senator from 2014-16. I am currently a member of the DOM R&D Committee, Madison VA IACUC, and Madison VA Veteran Research Engagement Group, among others. I currently or have previously served on the editorial boards of Nutrition and Diabetes, Diabetes, Metabolites, and Frontiers in Endocrinology. I was a standing member of the American Diabetes Association Research Grant Review committee and NIH Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (MCE) Study Section, and am currently a standing member of Cell Signaling and Molecular Endocrinology (CSME). I have helped organize and/or facilitate regional and national symposia and meetings, including Midwest Islet Club, the ADA Scientific Sessions, and the ASBMB and ASPET Scientific Sessions at Experimental Biology. I have been involved with ASPET’s scientific programming annually since 2013, and over the past three years, I have been a member of the MP Executive Committee, serving as Secretary/Treasurer from 2021-2022.
Research Areas
I lead a basic and translational research lab studying how the pancreatic beta-cell can be targeted to improve insulin secretion, beta-cell replication, and beta-cell survival in the context of the pathophysiological conditions of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. My work is focused on describing specific cellular signaling pathways that become dysfunctional in the context of hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and inflammation, with the long-term goal of therapeutically targeting these pathways. The primary focus of my laboratory is Prostaglandin EP3 receptor (EP3), a receptor for the arachidonic acid metabolite, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and its associated G protein in the beta-cell, Gz. Mice lacking the catalytic alpha subunit of Gz are protected from developing hyperglycemia in models of both T1D and T2D. Dietary interventions to reduce PGE2 production in favor of PGE3 have beneficial effects on beta-cell function and glucose control. A current clinical study aims to determine circulating metabolites, including PGE2, that predict diabetes status and/or long-term therapeutic response. Ultimately, we hope to develop therapeutic interventions targeting the beta-cell EP3/Gz interaction, thus improving beta-cell function, proliferation, and survival in the context of the underlying pathophysiological conditions of insulin resistance and/or auto-immune attack.
ASPET Activities
ASPET Nominations Committee
- Division for Molecular Pharmacology
- Secretary/Treasurer Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Past Secretary/Treasurer, 2019-2023
- Symposium Organizer and Co-Chair, “Early Career Faculty and Postdoctoral Trainee Symposium,” Experimental Biology 2022
- Symposium Organizer and Chair, “Inhibitory G protein-Coupled Receptors as Therapeutic Targets for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes,” Experimental Biology 2014
- Division for Translational & Clinical Pharmacology
- Early Career Faculty Showcase Awardee, Experimental Biology 2016
- Invited guest at TCP Executive Committee meeting, Experimental Biology 2016
- Division for Molecular Pharmacology and/or Translational & Clinical Pharmacology
- Abstract Reviewer and/or Judge for Student/Postdoc Best Poster or Oral Presentation Awards at Experimental Biology, 2013-present
- ASPET Zannoni Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Mentor (Mentee: Allison Brill), 2014
Other Society Memberships/Activities
- American Diabetes Association
- Member, 2011-present
- Editorial Board Member, Diabetes, 2019-2022
- Standing Member, ADA Research Grant Review Committee, 2016-2021
- Symposium Planning Committee, ADA 79th Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, CA, June 2019
- Session Chair, “The Excited Beta-cell.” American Diabetes Association 77th Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA, June 2017
- Reviewer, Islet Biology Abstracts and/or Late Breaking Abstracts, American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, 2015-2019
- Guided Poster Tour Moderator, American Diabetes Association 74th Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, CA, June 2014
- Mentor, American Diabetes Association Minority Undergraduate Internship Award (Trainee: Mark Cadena), 2014
- American Physiological Society
Member, 2011-present
- The Endocrine Society
Member, 2008-present
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Member, 2001-present