Teaching Institute: Supporting Experiment Design and Rigor in Graduate Training
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Sponsored by the Division for Pharmacology Education (DPE)
Co-sponsored by the Divisions for Behavioral Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Drug Discovery and Development, Drug Metabolism, Molecular Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, and Toxicology
Joey V. Barnett - Vanderbilt Univ.
Richard T. Okita - National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Concerns around scientific reproducibility have resulted in the development of Principles and Guidelines for Reporting Preclinical Research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that speak to rigorous statistical analysis, transparency in reporting, data and materials sharing, consideration of refutations, and the consideration of the development of best practice guidelines. Several mechanisms, including administrative supplements to NIH training grants, are funding the development of approaches to address these concerns. Here we present a survey of ongoing efforts that are delivering training in scientific reproducibility to predoctoral trainees. Our goal is provide the tools to address training in scientific reproducibility.
Why We Care About Rigor and Reproducibility
Richard T. Okita - National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Experimental Design and Best Practices in Laboratory Management
Bruce Damon - Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Ctr.
Computational and Professional Skills for Biomedical Trainees
David E. Golan - Harvard Medical School
Enhancing Data Reproducibility through Cell Authentication Training
Vivian Siegel - Global Biological Standards Institute
Panel Discussion
IPE: Educating a New Generation of Healthcare Professionals
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Sponsored by the Division for Pharmacology Education (DPE)
Co-sponsored by all ASPET divisions
Ashley J. McFalls - Pennsylvania State Univ. Col. of Med.
Participants will experience the four interprofessional education (IPE) competencies through interactive learning modalities that bring the concepts "alive". Principles of curriculum development and frameworks for effecting organizational change will be introduced using theoretical models that can be applied to IPE. Successful pharmacology-related IPE endeavors and data supporting these initiatives will be presented. Finally, the session will conclude with participants developing action plans for implementing IPE at their own institutions.
Ashley J. McFalls - Pennsylvania State Univ. Col. of Med.
IPE: A Bridge to Link Drug Facts with Clinical Application
Kelly Karpa - Pennsylvania State Univ. Col. of Med.
What is IPE?
Group Activities
Welcome Back Kotter: Applying Educational and Change Frameworks to IPE
Mayumi Willgerodt - Univ. of Washington Bothell
Bringing It Home: Application to your Institution
Group Activities
Question and Answer Period
Graduate Student - Postdoctoral Colloquium: Effective Science Communication
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Sponsored by the ASPET Mentoring and Career Development Committee
Lakshmi A. Devi - Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Designing Effective Science Presentations
Matt E. Carter - Williams College
Common Mistakes in Science Writing – The Grammar Hammer’s Top Ten List
Myron L. Toews - University of Nebraska Medical Center
Interviewing Skills
Scott Morgan – The Morgan Group
ASPET Business Meeting and Awards Presentation
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Hear updates on Society activities and initiatives. Join us in recognizing excellence in pharmacology as we present the ASPET 2017 Scientific Achievement Awards, Travel Awards, and PhRMA Foundation Awards.
EB Welcome Reception
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Join all Experimental Biology attendees in a conference-wide reception to kick-off EB2017.
Last updated: February 15, 2017