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Division Awards

ASPET's divisions sponsor several awards that are awarded either annually or biennially to recognize excellence in their respective area of specialty.


Sponsored by the Division for Behavioral Pharmacology

JH Woods Early Career Award in Behavioral Pharmacology

JH WoodsThe ASPET Division for Behavioral Pharmacology JH Woods Early Career Award in Behavioral Pharmacology was established to recognize outstanding original research by early career investigators in the area of behavioral pharmacology.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.


P.B. Dews Lifetime Achievement Award for Research in Behavioral Pharmacology

DewsThe Division for Behavioral Pharmacology sponsors the P. B. Dews Award for Research in Behavioral Pharmacology to recognize outstanding lifetime achievements in research, teaching, and professional service in the field of behavioral pharmacology and to honor Dr. Peter Dews for his seminal contributions to the development of behavioral pharmacology as a discipline.

The biennial award is supported by an endowment made possible by contributions from Aventis, Centre de Recherche Pierre Fabre, Eli Lilly, Harvard University, International Life Sciences Institute Caffeine Committee, Merck (San Diego), Pepsi Cola Company, Pfizer Central Research and Pfizer Global Research and Development, Pharmacia, Wyeth Research, and ASPET members.

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Nominations open Summer 2025.

Sponsored by the Division for Cancer Pharmacology

Susan Band Horwitz Award Lecture in Cancer Pharmacology

The ASPET Division for Cancer Pharmacology established the Susan Band Horwitz Award Lecture to recognize excellent original research by established investigators in the area of cancer pharmacology.  The award is named in honor of Dr. Horwitz who is a pioneer in understanding the mechanism of action of cancer chemotherapy drugs many of which have been and remain mainstays of cancer therapy and whose work has changed the nature of cancer treatment.

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 Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.

Sponsored by the Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Benedict R. Lucchesi Young Scientist Travel Award in Cardiac Pharmacology

Benedict R. LucchesiThe Benedict R. Lucchesi Young Scientist Travel Award in Cardiac Pharmacology was established to honor Dr. Lucchesi’s lifelong scientific contributions to our better understanding and appreciation of the pharmacological treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease and for his mentoring of countless prominent cardiovascular pharmacologists in translational approaches.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.

vanhoutte2Paul M. Vanhoutte Distinguished Lectureship in Vascular Pharmacology

The Paul M. Vanhoutte Award in Vascular Pharmacology was established to honor Dr. Vanhoutte’s lifelong scientific contributions to our better understanding and appreciation of the importance of endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle function in health and disease and for his mentoring of countless prominent endothelial and vascular biologists and pharmacologists.

Nominations open Summer 2025.

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Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology Mid-Career Award

The ASPET Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology Mid-Career Award recognizes and honors those who are working in any area of Cardiovascular Science. The award is open to mid-career stage, independent investigators from all types of organizations including academia, industry, private or government institutes who are primary members of the ASPET Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology. It will be presented biennially.

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Nominations open Summer 2025.

Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology Early Career Award

The ASPET Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology Early Career Award recognizes and honors individuals who are working in any area of Cardiovascular Science. The award is open to early career stage, independent investigators from all types of organizations including academia, industry, private or government institutes who are primary members of the ASPET Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology.

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Nominations open Summer 2025.

Sponsored by the Division for Drug Discovery and Development

Scientific Achievement Award in Drug Discovery and Development

This award recognizes outstanding investigators that have made significant contributions in drug discovery, translational and/or drug development science. This can include investigators who have developed technologies, methods or processes that have enhanced the process of drug discovery or enabled accelerated drug development. Contributions to any therapeutic area or therapeutic modality (small molecule, oligonucleotide, gene therapy, biologic or drug-device combination) will be considered.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.


Sponsored by the Division for Drug Metabolism and Disposition

Richard Okita Early Career Award in Drug Metabolism and Disposition

This early career achievement award has been established by the ASPET Division for Drug Metabolism and Disposition to recognize excellent original research by early career investigators in the area of drug metabolism and disposition. The award is presented biennially in odd-numbered years.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.

Bernard B. Brodie Award in Drug Metabolism and Disposition

Brodie AwardThe B. B. Brodie Award in Drug Metabolism and Disposition has been established to honor the fundamental contributions of Bernard B. Brodie in the field of drug metabolism and disposition. The award is presented biennially in even years to recognize outstanding original research contributions in drug metabolism and disposition, particularly those having a major impact on future research in the field.

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Nominations open Summer 2025. 

James R. Gillette Award

The James R. Gillette Award is presented each year for two outstanding papers published in Drug Metabolism and Disposition, one each in the broad categories of a) Drug Metabolism and b) Disposition and Pharmacokinetics. No application needed. All manuscripts published in Drug Metabolism and Disposition during 2024 will be considered.

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Sponsored by the Division for Molecular Pharmacology

Early Career Award

The Division for Molecular Pharmacology Early Career Award recognizes scholarly achievements of junior investigators early in their independent careers.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.


Sponsored by the Division for Neuropharmacology

Early Career Award

The ASPET Division for Neuropharmacology Early Career Award recognizes and honors a young independent investigator who is working in any area of neuropharmacology. The award is open to early career stage independent investigators from all types of organizations, including academia, industry, private, or government institutes.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Recognition Award

The ASPET Division for Neuropharmacology DEI Recognition Award is for an individual who has made important contributions to the enhancement and promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of neuropharmacology.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.

Sponsored by the Division for Pharmacology Education

Pharmacology Educators Award

The primary goal of this travel award is to promote participation in the ASPET Annual Meeting by pharmacology educators and to foster career development in pharmacology education.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.

Sponsored by the Division for Toxicology

Career Award

The ASPET Division for Toxicology Career Award recognizes outstanding original research contributions to toxicology by an established investigator. The award is presented annually.

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Nominations open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.

Early Career Award

The ASPET Division for Toxicology Early Career Award recognizes excellent original research by early career investigators in the area of toxicology. The award is presented annually.

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Nominations will open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024

Sponsored by the Division for Translational and Clinical Pharmacology

Early Career Awards

These awards recognize excellence in translational and clinical pharmacology research that comes from early career scientists. The purpose is to provide travel support to defray costs to participate at the ASPET Annual Meeting. Awardees will give short talks during an Early Career Showcase.

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Nominations will open July 15, 2024. The deadline to submit is September 3, 2024.


Ray Fuller Lecture

Ray FullerThe Ray Fuller Lecture was established to honor the achievements of Ray W. Fuller, PhD in applying an improved understanding of the central nervous system to discover better treatments for the mentally ill. Dr. Fuller was one of the triad that discovered fluoxetine (Prozac), leading to an entire new approach to the therapy of depression.

Nominations schedule (TBD)Learn more 

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