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John J. AbelAward Description

The John J. Abel Award in Pharmacology, named after the founder of ASPET, was established in 1946 to stimulate fundamental research in pharmacology and experimental therapeutics by young investigators.

The award is presented annually, at the award ceremony during the ASPET Annual Meeting. The award consists of:

  • A $5,000 honorarium.
  • An engraved plaque.
  • Complimentary registration and travel expenses for the winner and spouse to attend the ASPET Annual Meeting to receive the award.
  • An invitation to deliver the John J. Abel Award Lecture in conjunction with the ASPET Annual Meeting, other ASPET meeting or webinar.


  • The candidate for this award shall not have passed their 45th birthday by the nomination deadline of the year in which they are nominated.  
  • The candidate need not be a member of the Society.
  • The nomination must be made by an ASPET member.
  • No candidate may be nominated for more than one major ASPET award in any given year.
  • The current Council president and secretary/treasurer are ineligible during their active tenure.
  • Members of the Awards Committee are not eligible to be nominated for an award. If nominated for an award, an Awards Committee member must stand down for that year and be replaced by a temporary member chosen by the Awards Committee Chair and approved by the Awards Committee.

Criteria and Selection

  • The Award shall be made for original, outstanding research in the field of pharmacology and/or experimental therapeutics. Independence of thought, originality of approach, clarity, and excellence of data presentation are important criteria. Candidates shall not be judged in comparison with the work of more mature and experienced investigators. Quality rather than the number of contributions shall be emphasized. It shall be the responsibility of the nominator to make clear the contribution of the candidate to any jointly authored reprints and manuscripts and the originality and independence of the candidate's research.
  • Selection will be made by the ASPET Awards Committee, appointed by the President of ASPET.

Encouraging Diversity

ASPET is strongly committed to providing opportunities to all its members regardless of race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or ability/disability. Nominations from and for members of marginalized and underrepresented communities are greatly encouraged.

Nomination Materials

Nominations shall be submitted using the ASPET Awards Portal by logging into the box below. The nominations shall consist of:

  1. The candidate's curriculum vitae and bibliography in PDF.
  2. A brief biographical summary of the candidate and the importance of their work for use in award winner announcements (in no more than 150 words.) 
  3. A letter of nomination with a summary that describes the importance of the candidate's work (in PDF and no more than 1,000 words.) 
  4. Articles and/or manuscripts that have been accepted for publication and are representative of the candidate's work. The most impactful papers should be mentioned in the nomination and the URLs provided.

If any of the following relationships exist between the nominator and the candidate, you are encouraged to disclose it in your letter of nomination:  family member, spouse, partner; current dean, departmental chair, or postdoctoral or graduate advisor; current business or financial relationship (e.g., business partner, employer, employee); research collaborator or co-author within the last three years; work at the same institution or having accepted a position at the same institution; previous graduate student or postdoctoral fellow in the last five years; or if either are currently serving on the award selection committee for this award.

Access the Awards Portal to Submit Applications or Nominations and to Review Submissions

Apply Now

Nomination Deadline

Nominations open July 2025

Recipients of the John J. Abel Award in Pharmacology

1947George Sayers
1948J. Garrott Allen
1949Mark Nickerson
1950George B. Koelle
1951Walter F. Riker, Jr.
1952David F. Marsh
1953Herbert L. Borison
1954Eva K. Killam
1955Theodore M. Brody
1956Fred W. Schueler
1957Dixon M. Woodbury
1958H. George Mandel
1959Parkhurst A. Shore
1960Jack L. Strominger
1961Don W. Esplin
1962John P. Long
1963Steven E. Mayer
1964James R. Fouts
1965Eugene Braunwald
1966Lewis S. Schanker
1967Frank S. LaBella
1968Richard J. Wurtman
1969Ronald Kuntzman
1970Solomon H. Snyder
1971Thomas R. Tephly
1972Pedro Cuatrecasas
1973Colin F. Chignell
1974Philip Needleman
1975Alfred G. Gilman
1976Alan P. Poland
1977Jerry R. Mitchell
1978Robert J. Lefkowitz
1979Joseph T. Coyle
1980Salvatore J. Enna
1981Sydney D. Nelson
1982Theodore A. Slotkin
1983Richard J. Miller
1984F. Peter Guengerich
1985P. Michael Conn


1986Gordon M. Ringold
1987Lee E. Limbird
1988Robert R. Ruffolo, Jr.
1989Kenneth P. Minneman
1990Alan R. Saltiel
1991Terry D. Reisine
1992Frank J. Gonzalez
1993Susan G. Amara
1994Brian Kobilka
1995Thomas M. Michel
1996John D. Scott
1997David J. Mangelsdorf
1998Masashi Yanigasawa
1999Donald P. McDonell
2000William C. Sessa
2002Steven A. Kliewer
2003David S. Bredt
2004David P. Siderovski
2005Randy A. Hall
2006Christopher M. Counter
2007Michael D. Ehlers
2008Katerina Akassoglou
2009John J. Tesmer
2010Russell Debose-Boyd
2011Laura M. Bohn
2012Jin Zhang
2013Arthur Christopoulos
2014Craig W. Lindsley
2015Pieter C. Dorrestein
2016Jing Yang
2017Samie Jaffrey
2018 Kirill Martemyanov
2019Namandjé N. Bumpus
2020Andrew Goodman
2021Michael R. Bruchas
2022Mikel Garcia-Marcos
2023Carrie R Ferrario
2024Andrew C. Kruse 
2025James J. Collins



Last Updated: February 3, 2025

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