In This Section


Monday, April 22 

Drug Discovery and Development Symposium: Gliobiology: emerging concepts in neural-glia interactions in chronic disease
Boston Convention Center, Room 107C
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Chair: Michael F. Jarvis, AbbVie

    Reciprocal interactions between motor neurons and surrounding astrocytes in ALS
     John Weiss, Univ. of California, Irvine Sch. of Med.

     Spinal cord neural-glia interactions in chronic pain
     Ru-Rong Ji, Duke Univ. Med. Ctr.

     Regulation of myelination by action potentials and an introduction to neuron-glia interactions
     R. Douglas Fields, NICHD/NIH

     Regeneration-related axon and Schwann cell interactions
     Doug Zochodne, Univ. of Calgary

Boston Convention Center, Room 108
2:00 PM – 2:50 PM
Nina Isoherranen, Univ. of Washington
The biochemistry and clinical significance of CYP26 enzymes in regulating retinoic acid homeostasis
Introduction: Ken Thummel, Univ. of Washington

Drug Metabolism Division James Gillette Award & Platform Session
Boston Convention Center, Room 108
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM

     Impact of development and genetic variation on human hepatic CYP2B6 expression and activity
     Andrea Gaedigk, Children's Mercy Hospital & Clinics

     Differences in the catalytic properties of CYP2B6s between common marmoset and human

     Shizuo Narimatsu, Okayama Univ

     The effect of obesity and development on in vitro hepatic metabolism
     Gina Danielson, Univ. of Minnesota

     Transport by OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 enhances cytotoxicity of EGCG and certain substituted quercetins

     Yuchen Zhang, Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr.

     Evidence for epigenetic regulation of UGT1A1 protein expression and activity in healthy human livers

     Umit Yasar, Tufts Univ. Sch. of Med.

     Active site gating controls substrate selectivity in cytosolic sulfotransferases A and spinophilin

     Ian Cook, Albert Einstein Col. of Med.

     James Gillette Best Paper Award:
     The Role of FcRn in the disposition, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of soluble non-crosslinking immune complexes

     Hamsell Alvarez, Merck Res. Labs.

     James Gillette Best Paper Award:
     Vitamin D receptor activation enhances Benzo[a]pyrene metabolism via CYP1A1 expression in macrophages

     Presenting Author: Shigeyuki Uno Nihon Univ. Sch. of Med.

Brian KobilkaMolecular Pharmacology Division Postdoctoral Award Finalists
Boston Convention Center, Room 107AB
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Keynote Speaker: Brian Kobilka, Stanford Univ. Sch. of Med.

      Identification of substituted benzazepines as functionally selective ligands of the D1dopamine receptor  
     Jennie Conroy, NINDS/NIH

     Development of a membrane anchored chemerin receptor agonist as a novel modulator of inflammation
     Jamie Doyle, Tufts Medical Center

     Non-Canonical Signaling by GPCR-Arrestin-Gβγ Ternary Complexes
     Vanessa Wehbi, Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med.

     Keynote Address: Probing G protein coupled receptors: a few of my favorite experiments
     Brian Kobilka, Stanford Univ. Sch. of Med.

Neuropharmacology Division Postdoctoral Scientist Award Finalists
Boston Convention Center, Room 106
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Keynote Speaker: Lakshmi Devi, Mount Sinai Sch. of Med.

     Cannabinoid 1 receptor as therapeutic target in preventing chronic epilepsy
     Robert Di Maio, Univ. of Pittsburgh

     Dimerization of G-protein coupled Receptors (GPCRs) in Appetite Regulation and Food Reward
     Harriet Schellekens, Univ. Col. Cork Sch. of Pharmacy

     GPR158 and GPR179: a subfamily of orphan GPCRs as a new class of G protein signaling modulators

     Cesare Orlandi, Scripps Res. Inst.

     Increased plasma ammonia concentration contributes to methamphetamine-induced blood-brain barrier damage
     Nicole A. Northrop, Univ. of Toledo Col. of Med.

     Amphetamine and methamphetamine differentially regulate biophysical properties of dopamine transporter
     Kaustuv Saha, Univ. of Florida

     Cross-talk between beta and alpha2 adrenergic receptors in sympathetic neurons relies on protein kinase A and spinophilin
     Christopher M. Cottingham, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham

     Keynote Address: How to do big science on a modest budget: lessons from deorphanizing a G protein-coupled receptor
     Lakshmi Devi, Mount Sinai Sch. of Med.

Behavioral Pharmacology and Neuropharmacology Divisions Joint Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Grand Ballroom D
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Molecular Pharmacology Division Business Meeting and Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Burroughs
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Pharmacology Education, Drug Discovery and Development, & Integrative Systems, Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Divisions Joint Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Carlton
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Tuesday, April 23 

Pharmacology Education Division Program: The future of Ph.D. education in biomedicine: U.S. and European perspectives
Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, Grand Ballroom E; 9:30 AM – Noon
Chair: Jane A. Mitchell, Imperial Col. London

     PhD training in the USA: present and future

     Joey V. Barnett, Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Ctr.

     PhD education in the UK: why change?
     Nick J. Goulding, Barts and the London Sch. of Med. and Dentistry

     Standards of PhD education: the ORPHEUS perspective
     Michael Mulvany, Aarhus Univ. Graduate Sch. of Hlth. Scie., Denmark

     Research funder perspective: PhD graduate attributes – future needs
     Alison Hall, NIGMS/NIH

     Roundtable discussion 

Behavioral Pharmacology Division Symposium: The opioid-cannabinoid connection: A translational, behavioral perspective
Boston Convention Center, Room 109A
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Chairs: Margaret Haney, Columbia Univ. Col. of Physicians and Surgeons and Ziva D. Cooper, Columbia Univ. Col. of Physicians and Surgeons

    The endogenous cannabinoid system: an emerging target to treat opioid and cannabinoid dependence
     Aron H. Lichtman, Virginia Commonwealth Univ.

     Pharmacological and neurobiological studies investigating opioid and endocannabinioid interactions in rodent models of stress-induced analgesia
     David Finn, Natl. Univ. of Ireland

     Pharmacological evidence for opioid modulation of the reinforcing effects of CB1 receptor agonists in non-human primates
     Zuzana Justinova, NIDA, IRP, NIH

     Naltrexone alters marijuana’s analgesic and intoxicating effects in daily marijuana smokers

     Ziva D. Cooper, Columbia Univ. Col. of Physicians and Surgeons

     The potential clinical efficacy of cannabinoid agonists in treating opioid-dependent patients
     Adam Bisaga, NYS Psychiatric Inst.

Cardiovascular Pharmacology Division Trainee Showcase
Boston Convention Center, Room 107AB
2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

     Sestrin2 is cardioprotective against ischemia/reperfusion injury by promoting LKB1-mediated AMPK activation
     Alexander Morrison-Nozik, Univ. at Buffalo (SUNY)

     Pregnane X receptor mediates dyslipidemia Induced by the HIV protease inhibitor amprenavir in mice
     Robert Helsley, Univ. of Kentucky

     Heterogeneity of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in cardiac myocytes: Enrichment at the intercalated disk

     Miyoun Hong, New York Univ. Sch. of Med.

     Genetic deletion of the TRPC3 channel blunts the development of angiotensin II-induced hypertension in mice
     Asif Pathan, Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sciences

     Angiotensin II receptor blockade, but not ACE inhibition, reduces nocturnal hypertesion and natriuresis in autonomic failure patients with low renin activity

     Amy Arnold, Vanderbilt Univ.

     Aged eNOS-/- mice display increased APP expression, microglial activation, and impaired spatial memory
     Susan Austin, Mayo Clinic

Boston Convention Center, Room 107AB
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Note: There has been a change in speakers.
Benedict R. Lucchesi, University of Michigan
Reperfusion injury: Can it be prevented?
Introduction: Nancy Rusch, Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci.

Integrative Systems, Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Division Hot Topics: A (r)evolution in drug discovery & therapy: From organs on a chip and 3D biomimetics to regenerative pharmacology
Boston Convention Center, Room 107C
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Chairs: George J. Christ, Wake Forest Sch. of Med. and Sitta Sittampalam, NIH Ctr. for Translational Therapeutics

     Rapid fabrication of architecturally-correct human tissues in vitro by 3D bioprinting: Function follows form
     Sharon Presnell, Organovo Inc.

     Microscale engineering of tissues and organs
     Linda Griffin, MIT

     Human Organs-on-Chips
     Anthony Bahinski, Harvard Univ.

     Silk: A multifunctional biomaterial with applications for controlled drug delivery, tissue repair and engineering 3D tissues
     D. Kaplan, Tufts Univ. 

Toxicology Division Symposium: The mitochondrion as a toxicological and pharmacological target
Boston Convention Center, Room 108
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Chair: Rick G. Schnellmann, Med. Univ. of South Carolina

     New methods to identify changes in mitochondrial function
     Craig C. Beeson, Med. Univ. of South Carolina

     MitoQ and prevention of mitochondrial dysfunction
     Victor Darley-Usmar, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham

     Mitochondrial etiology of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
     Douglas C. Wallace, Children’s Hosp. of Pennsylvania

     Drugs that target mitochondrial biogenesis accelerate the recovery of cellular and organ function
     Rick G. Schnellmann, Med. Univ. of South Carolina

Cardiovascular Pharmacology Division Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Grand Ballroom D
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Drug Metabolism and Toxicology Divisions Joint Mixer
Westin Boston Waterfront, Commonwealth Ballroom A
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Job Postings