In This Section

Advances in Estrogen Receptor Signaling: Potential Implications for Women's Health
Washington Convention Center, Room 140B
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Cardiovascular Pharmacology; Integrative Systems ,Translational & Clinical Pharmacology; and the Committee on Women in Pharmacology
Chairs: A. Cignarella, Univ. of Padua, Italy, R.D. Feldman, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada, and V.M.Miller, Mayo Clinic Coll. of Med. 

Vascular actions of estrogens-functional implications
  Sue P. Duckles, Univ of California - Irvine College of Medicine

Adipose tissue biology and estrogen metabolism
  Mario Kratz, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ctr

Selective estrogen receptor isoform agonists improve vascular function and metabolic control: the need to look beyond hormones
  Andrea Cignarella, Univ of Padua , Italy

Choreographing the rapid vascular effects of steroids: Sorting out the partners and the steps
  Ross Feldman, The Univ of Western Ontario

Rapid steroid effects in hypertension: role of GPR30
  L.M. Fredrick Leeb-Lundberg, Lund Univ, Sweden

Role of Neuroinflammation in Psychiatric Disease
Washington Convention Center, Room 140A
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Neuropharmacology; Behavioral Pharmacology; Drug Discovery, Development & Regulatory Affairs; Drug Metabolism; and Integrative Systems,Translational & Clinical Pharmacology
Chair: J.E. Clark, Drexel Univ.

Psychoneuroimmunology:  Inter-relationships between behavior and immunity
   Michael Irwin, UCLA

Schizophrenia and major depression as inflammatory disorders
   Aye-Mu Myint, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat

Cytokines sing the blues:  The role of cytokines in the pathophysiology of depression
   Andrew Miller, Emory Univ

  Molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of chronic inflammation on depressive-like behaviors
   Robert Dantzer, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Too Much or Too Little: Behavioral Models and Pharmacotherapies for Eating Disorders
Washington Convention Center, Room 143A/B
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Divisions for Behavioral Pharmacology; Integrative Systems, Translational & Clinical Pharmacology; and Neuropharmacology
Chair: M.L. Banks, Virginia Commonwealth Univ.

Pharmacotherapies for eating disorders: A clinical perspective
   Anna I. Guerdjikova, Lindner Center of Hope

Effects of neurochemicals and drugs in altering internal states associated with acute food deprivation
   David Jewett, Univ of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Opioid and cannabinoid involvement in dietary-induced binge eating in rodents
   Nicholas Bello, Rutgers Univ. Sch. of Envrn. and Biol. Sci.

But is it addiction? Neurobiology and treatment of binge eating
   Rebecca Corwin, Pennsylvania State Univ. College of Health and Human Develop.

Human and non-human primate laboratory models
   Richard Foltin, New York State Psychiatric Institute

Molecular Pharmacology Division Postdoctoral Award Finalists
Washington Convention Center, Room 143C
9:30 am – 12:00 noon

Keynote Lecture

 Molecular pharmacology and cAMP: A marriage that has lasted for >50 years!
  Paul Insel, Univ. of California San Diego

Postdoctoral Award Finalists
Lipopolysaccharide enhances TGF ß1 induction of PDGFpB in bile duct epithelial cells: Role of NF-kappaB
  K. M. Kassell, Univ of Kansas Medical Center

Gαi binding sites on Calnuc and NUCB2 define a new family of structurally-related Gα regulatory motifs
  M. Carcia-Marcos, Univ of California, San Diego

Targeting degradation pathways of RGS2 for novel cardiovascular therapeutics
  B. Sjogren, Univ of Michigan 

Promise and Partnership: FDA's Critical Path Initiative and its Intersection with Pharmacology
Washington Convention Center, Room 141
9:30 am -  12:00 noon
Sponsored by the Public Affairs Committee and the Division for Drug Discovery, Development and Regulatory Affairs
Chair: M.F. Jarvis, Abbott Laboratories

How pharmacology and toxicology can help meet the demands of FDA’s expanding scientific portfolio
  Vicki Seyfert-Margolis, Food and Drug Administration

Need for improved clinical trial design and improved standardization of clinical trial data to improve public health measures
  Robert Temple, Food and Drug Administration

Application of advanced imaging technologies in drug development and clinical trial design
  Richard Hargreaves, Merck

Bioinformatics and pharmacoepidemiology: making sense of data.
  Darrell Abernathy, Food and Drug Administration

Progress in biomarkers and translational strategies for drug development
  Janet Woodcock, Food and Drug Administration

Systems biology and drug development
  Jeremy Berg, NIGMS, NIH



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