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The ASPET Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) Awards introduce undergraduate students to pharmacology research. Our goal is to use authentic, mentored research experiences in pharmacology to heighten student interest in careers in research and related health care disciplines.


Who Should Apply

Groups of faculty from the same campus who conduct pharmacology-related research including, but not limited to, scientists representing departments of pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical sciences and/or biological chemistry are encouraged to apply for funding to establish a SURF program on their campus. If awarded, institutional programs will be responsible for recruiting and selecting students to participate.

Program Requirements

  • A group of at least four ASPET Regular or Affiliate members in good standing from one institution may apply, with one ASPET member serving as the Program Director.
  • ASPET will provide a $4,600 stipend for a minimum of 10 weeks participation in the program. ASPET support for an undergraduate fellowship program is $4600/student for four students per year of funding ($18,400 total/year). Matching funds are encouraged but not required.
  • Program Directors are expected to sponsor SURF Fellows for student membership in ASPET no later than the first day of their summer research experience.

How to Apply for or Renew a SURF Institutional Award

  • Please see the Program Guidelines and Call for Applications (PDF) document for award terms and application instructions. 
  • Application should be made by a Program Director who must be an ASPET Regular or Affiliate member in good standing. Application should be emailed as a single PDF to Dr. Catherine Fry at
  • For additional information about this program, please e-mail Dr. Catherine Fry at

Application Deadline

Applications are due Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024.

Annual Progress Report

Program directors must submit an Annual Progress Report (PDF) to ASPET no later than October 1 of each award year. If October 1 falls on a weekend, reports will be due the next business day.

If you are applying for renewal of your SURF award, your progress report will be included as part of your application (see link above).

An annual financial report is a required component of the progress report.

These awards are funded through the Anthony and Theresa Zannoni Scholarship Fund and the Gerald J. Dalton/Vincent G. Zannoni Fund. The late Vincent Zannoni established the Anthony and Theresa Zannoni Fund in honor of his parents through a bequest in his will. The late Mildred Marie Dalton established the Gerald B. Dalton and Vincent G. Zannoni fund through a bequest in her will.

Undergraduate Travel Awards

Travel awards to attend the ASPET Annual Meeting are available to SURF Fellows at the meeting following their SURF award. There are a limited number of travel awards available each year. Application does not guarantee receipt of a travel award. Learn more about the awards. 

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