8:30 am - 9:20 am
Intracellular Ca2+ signals regulate numerous physiological and pathophysiological functions of the brain. New animal models were used for in vivo Ca2+ imaging to decipher the dynamics of Ca2+ signaling. Both genetic and pharmacological methods were also used to look into the functions of Ca2+ signaling. These studies led to identifying the critical roles of Ca2+ signaling in neurons and astrocytes in vivo, and provided insight into how these cells interact in health and disease.
Imaging Ca2+ Signals in the Brain in Health and Disease
Masamitsu Iino - Nihon University Medical School
3-D Biology in Cancer Pharmacology - Is Flat Biology Dead?
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Sponsored by the Division for Cancer Pharmacology (DCP)
Co-sponsored by the Divisions for Drug Discovery and Development, Molecular Pharmacology, and Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
Mary-Ann Bjornsti - Univ. of Alabama- Birmingham
The in vitro growth of tumor tissues, organoids and spheroids provide new avenues in the study of tumor biology, and the development and evaluation of cancer therapeutics. These approaches more accurately reflect the pathophysiology of tumors in patients, in contrast to 2-D culturing of tumor cell lines, where cell monolayers are typically exposed to optimum nutrient and oxygen conditions for proliferation. The objectives of this symposium are to discuss how investigations of mechanical stress, the architecture of 3-D tumor organoids and microfluids in “organs-on-a-chip” can accurately model cancer and provide unique opportunities to develop and assess the efficacy of therapeutics.
Mary-Ann Bjornsti - Univ. of Alabama- Birmingham
Integration of Systems Biology with Tissue Engineering and Organs-On-Chips
Linda Griffith - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Modeling Patient Response in Human Pancreatic Cancer Organoids
Hervé Tiriac - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Tumor-derived Organoid Cultures: A Platform for Translational Cancer Research
Senthil K. Muthuswamy - Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr / Harvard Med. Sch.
The Glycocalyx Tunes Mechanosignaling, Plasticity, and Malignancy
J. Matthew Barnes – Univ. of California, San Francisco
Emerging Technologies for Characterizing Lead Optimization of Novel Biotherapeutics
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Sponsored by the Division for Drug Metabolism (DM)
Co-sponsored by the Divisions for Drug Discovery and Development and Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
Larry C. Wienkers - Amgen Inc.
Dan Rock - Amgen Inc.
The session is focused upon the integration of state-of-the-art applications from the field of biophysics, and mass spectrometry towards the advancement of knowledge around biotherapeutic drug candidates in the preclinical setting. To this end, a variety of analytical methods and in vitro experiments are applied to identify, characterize, and quantify proteins derived from a range of complex sample matrices. The coalescence of this information combined with knowledge generated from other scientific disciplines will help create a higher order understanding of large molecule pharmacological activity and disposition.
Optical Probes to Evaluate Protein Disposition
Kip Conner- Amgen Inc.
Characterizing Complex Protein Interactions Using Fluorescent Correlation Spectroscopy
Abhinav Nath - Univ. of Washington
Protein Stability Characterization Using CE-MS
James Q. Xia - CMP Scientific, Corp.
High Content Quantitation Using Single Cell Barcode Chip (SCBC)
James Heath - California Institute of Technology
The CRISPR-Cas9 Revolution in Pharmacology
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Sponsored by the Division for Molecular Pharmacology (MP)
Co-sponsored by the Divisions for Cancer Pharmacology, Drug Discovery and Development, Neuropharmacology, and Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
Karen Tonsfeldt - Univ. of California, San Diego
Lakshmi A. Devi - Mount Sinai Hospital
CRISPR/Cas9 has ushered in a new era of molecular biology. This technology produces small, precise edits to the genome using inexpensive components, making the technology readily accessible. CRISPR/Cas9 is straightforward to use, both in vivo and in vitro, and has a wide range of compelling applications in gene function studies and modeling of disease. This symposium will begin with an introduction of the history and theory behind CRISPR/Cas9. Subsequent speakers will speak on the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in modeling and treating disease. This symposium will introduce the theory and potential applications of CRISPR-Cas9, and discuss uses of CRISPR/Cas9 in pharmacology.
Genome and Epigenome Editing for Gene Therapy and Disease Modeling
Charles Gersbach - Duke Univ.
Application of Genome Editing Tools to Model Human Genetics Findings in Drug Discovery
Myung K. Shin - Merck & Co.
Generation of Knock-out and Knock-in Primary Human T Cells Using Cas9 Ribonucleoproteins
Kathrin Schumann - Univ. of California, San Francisco
CRISPRing Out Opiate Reward in Vivo Genetic and Pharmacological Manipulation of the Neuro Kinin System
Alexander J. Sandweiss - Univ. of Arizona, College of Med., Dept. of Pharmacology
CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Genome Editing of the Murine Pulmonary Circulation
Glenn Marsboom University of Illinois at Chicago
Therapeutic Prospectives for Cannabinoids: Beyond Marijuana and Pain
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Sponsored by the Division for Neuropharmacology (NEU)
Co-sponsored by the Divisions for Cancer Pharmacology, Drug Discovery and Development, Pharmacology Education, and Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
Harshini Neelakantan - Univ. of Texas Medical Branch
Sara J. Ward - Temple Univ.
Assessment of the therapeutic potential of cannabis-derived natural phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoid modulators of the endocannabinoid system is an expanding topic of research. This symposium will highlight the breadth of the therapeutic implications of cannabinoids and the associated challenges in developing cannabinoid-based pharmacotherapeutics. The panel of speakers in this symposium will present on the modulatory role of cannabinoids across varying disease indications, including cancer, epilepsy, stroke, and neurodegenerative disorders. The symposium will conclude with a talk highlighting the limitations of current cannabinoid-based therapeutics in development and novel drug discovery applications for advancing medicinally valuable derivatives of cannabinoids.
The Antitumor Activity of Plant-Derived Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids
Sean D. McAllister - California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute
Cannabidiol: Antiseizure Drug-drug Interactions
Misty D. Smith - Univ. of Utah
Non-psychoactive Cannabinoids and Inflammation
Ronald Tuma - Temple Univ.
Neuroprotective Effects of the Endocannabinoid System in Neurodegenerative Disorders
Julian Romero - Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Identification of a “Super CBD” with Improvements in Potency, Safety, Bioavailability and Regulatory Status
Sara J. Ward - Temple Univ.
Mitochondria: Guardians of the Cell
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Sponsored by the Division for Toxicology (TOX)
Co-sponsored by the Divisions for Drug Discovery and Development, Molecular Pharmacology, and Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
John D. Schuetz - St Jude Children's Research Hospital
Rick G. Schnellmann - Univ. of Arizona
This symposium gathers leading experts who have conducted seminal research in understanding how mitochondria contribute to cell survival and death in the face of pathological changes secondary to disease or toxicant exposure. Mitochondria have emerged as a key regulators of cell survival. These findings have been instrumental in elucidating the basis of pathological conditions. Recent studies reveal how both removal of damaged mitochondria (mitophagy) and mitochondrial biogenesis are important to cell health and survival; such knowledge can provide key insights into pathological conditions caused by drugs or toxicants and provide opportunities for new interventions to ameliorate these conditions.
New Molecular Targets that Induce Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Restore Organ Function
Richard Youle - NIH
New Molecular Targets That Induce Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Restore Organ Function
Rick G. Schnellmann – Univ. of Arizona
The Dynamics of Mitochondrial Proteome in the Digital Era
Peipei Ping – Univ. of California Los Angeles
Dissecting Anti-Apoptotic MCL-1’s Functions in Normal and Malignant Biology
Joseph Opferman - St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Mitochondrial Derived Peptides: Physiology and Therapeutic Potential
Pinchas Cohen – Univ. of Southern California
Mitochondrial Metabolic Checkpoint, Stem Cell Aging and Rejuvenation
Danica Chen – Univ. of California Berkeley
Journals Symposium: Hear It from the Editors
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Mary E. Vore - Chair, ASPET Board of Publications Trustees
This session gathers the Editors of the ASPET journals to lead a workshop that addresses major issues regarding the review process, both from the perspective of authors who submit a manuscript, and those who want to learn how to become an excellent reviewer. The workshop will also cover ethics and copyright in scientific papers, as well as how to write an effective review article. Editors will make brief presentations (10 min), followed by small group discussions (20 min) led by Editors and Associate Editors of ASPET journals, using case studies as guides. A final time for Q/A will close the session.
Introduction and Facilitator
Kay Meier - Editor, Molecular Pharmacology; Washington State University
Demystifying the Decision Process for your Manuscript
Kenneth D. Tew - Editor, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics; Medical Univ. of South Carolina
How to Review a Manuscript and How to Become a Reviewer
Edward T. Morgan - Editor, Drug Metabolism and Disposition; Emory Univ.
Publication Ethics and Copyright Issues
Richard C. Dodenhoff – ASPET Journals Director
Important Issues in Writing a Review
Eric L. Barker - Editor, Pharmacological Reviews; Purdue University
ASPET Poster Presentations
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Otto Krayer Award in Pharmacology Lecture
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
The Otto Krayer Award in Pharmacology commemorates the enduring legacy of Otto Krayer's personal qualities: his ethical behavior, his commitment to teaching, his high standards of scientific scholarship, publication and editorship, his promotion of interdisciplinary research to reveal the actions of drugs or other chemicals, and his guidance and support of younger scientists. The purpose of the award is to recognize an individual whose character and career contributions to pharmacology are in accord with those exemplified by Otto Krayer.
Joan Heller Brown – University of California, San Diego
G-protein Signaling in Cardiac Growth, Protection, Inflammation and Failure
Targeting of GRKs and Beta-arrestins for Cardiovascular Therapy: Picking on Certain Siblings over Others in Some (Protein) Families
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Sponsored by the Division for Drug Discovery and Development (DDD)
Co-sponsored by the Divisions for Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, and Translational and Clinical Pharmacology
Anastasios Lymperopoulos - Nova Southeastern Univ.
Guido Iaccarino - Univ. of Salerno
This symposium will present the latest findings in the field of cardiovascular GRKs and beta-arrestins, two protein families that regulate G protein-coupled receptor function and signaling, as they pertain to their validation as therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases. Specifically: a) Functional differences among isoforms (and differences in their physiological roles) in the cardiovascular system will be highlighted; b) Structural insights into their cardiovascular functions will be presented; c) Their roles in heart failure, hypertension, diabetic cardiomyopathy, atherosclerosis, and other major heart diseases will be showcased, and d) Their selective targeting through the development of GPCR "biased" ligands will be discussed.
Beta-arrestin1 and -2 in the Heart: Partners in Crime or "Good Cop, Bad Cop"?
Anastasios Lymperopoulos - Nova Southeastern Univ.
Cardiovascular GRKs in Heart Disease: Looking for a "Magic Bullet" to Treat all Kinds of Heart "Pains"
Guido Iaccarino - Univ. of Salerno
Structure, Function and Signaling of the Non-visual Arrestins: Two "jacks-of-all-trades" for Cardiovascular G Protein-coupled Receptors
Vsevolod V. Gurevich - Vanderbilt Univ.
Development of GPCR "biased" Ligands for Cardiovascular Therapy: Precision is Everything
Louis M. Luttrell - Medical Univ. of South Carolina
Paroxetine and GRK2 Inhibition in Heart Failure: Teaching an Old Drug New Tricks
Sarah M. Schumacher-Bass - Temple Univ. School of Medicine
Differential roles of GRK2 and GRK5 in Cardiac Aldosterone Signaling
Jennifer Maning - Nova Southeastern University
Metoprolol Prevents Post-ischemic Myocardial Decompensation via 63AR-Dependent Protective Sphingosine-1 Phosphate Signaling
Alessandro Cannavo - Temple University
Game-Based Learning and Clinical Simulation for Pharmacology
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Sponsored by the Division for Pharmacology Education (DPE)
Co-sponsored by all divisions
Mark J. Hernandez - Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Kelly M. Quesnelle - Western Michigan Univ. Homer Stryker M.D. Sch. of Med.
Game-based learning (GBL) and clinical simulation are increasingly being implemented in modern healthcare educational curricula. These active learning techniques are used around the globe to empower students to practice higher-order thinking and realize simple reward consequences. This symposium will present the resources participants need to incorporate pharmacology into GBL and/or simulation. An overview of both gaming and simulation with specific examples for pharmacology will be presented. Finally, participants will play a team-based pharmacology game followed by large group discussion. Participants will then devise a pharmacology game of their own to implement at their home institutions.
Learning is All Fun and Games with Game-Based Learning
Eric Bauman - DeVry Medical International
Interactive Pharmacology Game
Eric Bauman - DeVry Medical International and
Mark J. Hernandez - Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
The Use of High-Fidelity Simulation in an Integrated Patient Presentation Curriculum
Raeann L. Carrier - West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Use of Simulation for Active Learning in an Integrated Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
Ryan A. Schneider - Univ of Findlay
Simulation of the Libby Zion Case in the Teaching of Medical Pharmacology
Mark J. Hernandez - Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
High Fidelity Medical Simulation: An Experiential Learning Modality
Samuel Foldy - Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Mark J. Hernandez - Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Division for Molecular Pharmacology Postdoctoral Scientist Award Finalists
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
G Proteins and GPCRs in Cancer: Emerging Non-Canonical Signaling Circuitries and Precision Cancer Therapies
Keynote: J Silvio Gutkind - Univ of California, San Diego
Cutting the brakes to prevent Type 2 Diabetes Onset: Augmenting Insulin Secretion and Conserving Pancreatic Beta-cell Mass by Deleting Gaz
Jaclyn Wisinski - Univ. of Wisconsin- Madison
Adhesion G Protein-Coupled Receptor Activation by Novel Small Molecule Modulators
Hannah M. Stoveken – Univ. of Michigan
GPCRs in Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells as Novel Targets in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Matthew W. Gorr – Univ. of California San Diego
Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology Trainee Showcase
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Presentations are selected from applicants to the ASPET Best Presentation Awards.
Additionally the 2017 winner of the Benedict R. Lucchesi Young Scientist Travel Award in Cardiac Pharmacology will give a short talk.
Domain-Specific Roles for GRK2 in Cardiac Hypertrophy and Heart Failure
Sarah M. Schumacher - Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple Univ.
Bazedoxifene Induces Greater Vascular Responses than Estradiol Independent of Sex and GPER
Margaret A. Zimmerman - Tulane Univ.
Critical Role for Adenylyl Cyclase 5 on L-type CaV1.2 Channel Potentiation and Vasoconstriction during Diabetic Hyperglycemia
Arslan Urrab Syed - University of California- Davis
Nitric Oxide Inhibits Functional Coupling Among Endothelial TRPV4 Channels and Limits Vasodilation in Small Pulmonary Arteries
Corina Marziano - Univ. of Virginia
Adipose Tissue Constituents and the Adipokine Resistin Impair Vascular Endothelial Function in Obesity via Elevated Arginase Activity
Reem T. Atawia Medical College of Georgia, Augusta Univ.
Activation of Mitochondrial KATP Channels by Diazoxide Stimulates Vascular Repair-Relevant Functions of Human CD34+ Cells by Activating Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase DUAL 7
Shrinidh A. Joshi - North Dakota State Univ.
Beta-Arresting-Biased Beta 2-Adrenergic Receptor Signaling Provides Cardioprotection in Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury
Laurel A. Grisanti - Temple Univ.
Division for Drug Metabolism: Awards and Junior Investigator Platform Session
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
This session will include a lecture from the Division for Drug Metabolism Early Career Achievement Award winner; talks from the two James Gillette awardees who are selected from 2016 authors in the ASPET journal Drug Metabolism and Disposition; as well as platform presentations that are selected from the EB abstracts submitted by graduate students and postdocs to any of the ASPET topics labeled “DMD” (#3024-3028).
Interindividual Variability in Drug Response and Toxicity
Hyunyoung Jeong - Univ. of Illinois
Prioritizing Pharmacokinetic Drug Interaction Precipitants in Natural Products: Application to OATP Inhibitors in Grapefruit Juice
Emily Johnson - Washington State Univ. Spokane
Best Practices for Robust LC-MS/MS Quantification of Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters to Predict Inter-Individual Variability: Case Examples of Hepatic Cytosolic ADHs and ALDH1A1
Deepak Kumar Bhatt – Univ. of Washington
Elucidating the Effect of DNA Methylation on the Regulation of Human Neonatal Fc Receptor (FcRn)
Daniel C. Ferguson - Univ. at Buffalo
Tipping the Balance of Hepatic CYP3A4 Activity Through Integrin-Mediated Outside-In and Inside-Out Signaling
Kristina Jonsson-Schmunk - Univ. of Texas at Austin
Comparison of Cytochrome P450 3A4 and 3A7 with Azole Inhibitors
Malika P. Godamudunage - Univ. of Michigan
Human Intestinal Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein, RKIP, Catalyzes Prasugrel as a Bioactivation Hydrolase
Miho Kazui - Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.
Functional Integrity of the Chimeric (Humanized) Mouse Liver: Enzyme Zonation, Physiological Spaces, and Hepatic Enzymes and Transporters
Edwin Chow - Univ. of Toronto
Division Annual Meetings
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Participate in your division's annual meeting to discuss division activities, symposium proposals for EB2018, how to get involved, and much more. On Monday, the following divisions will meet:
- Cardiovascular Pharmacology
- Drug Discovery and Development
- Drug Metabolism
- Molecular Pharmacology
- Pharmacology Education
Division Mixers
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Interact face-to-face with other ASPET members with similar research interests. Attend the mixer hosted by your primary and/or secondary divisions. More information about ASPET divisions and how to select one.
On Monday, the following division mixers will be held:
- Division for Cardiovascular Pharmacology Mixer
- Division for Molecular Pharmacology Mixer
- Joint Mixer: Divisions for Drug Metabolism and Toxicology
Last updated: April 4, 2017