ASPET volunteers donate their time at Pacific Garden Mission during EB 2017 in Chicago
Give a Day of Service to San Diego at EB 2018
Sponsored by the Division for Behavioral Pharmacology (BEH)
Since 2009, ASPET members attending Experimental Biology have given a day of volunteer service in the local communities where we convene. Volunteer activities have ranged from home construction to painting, cleaning, stocking, food preparation, and food service.
At EB 2018, we will spend the day at St. Vincent de Paul Village, doing whatever we can to help the dedicated people at Father Joe’s Villages provide assistance to San Diegans.
If you plan to join us, please contact Charles P. France at your earliest convenience at email: france@uthscsa.edu or 210-567-6969. Space is limited and further details will be provided to those who volunteer.