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Important Subscription Update

Starting in January 2025,The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental TherapeuticsDrug Metabolism and Disposition, Molecular Pharmacology, and Pharmacological Reviews, will be available through Elsevier’s title-by-title subscription model.

ASPET and Elsevier have launched a new open access journal, ASPET Discovery.

If you are already logged in as a member, simply select one of the “member-only” links below to access the full-text articles of the five ASPET journals. These links will take you to the designated Journal websites. Your session will remain anonymous unless you choose to log in separately on the Journal site.

If you are not currently an ASPET member and are interested in accessing full-text articles of the five ASPET journals, JOIN ASPET Today! To learn more about ASPET membership and member benefits, contact ASPET’s Membership Team at

For subscription inquiries or if your organization is interested in subscribing to ASPET journals, please contact Elsevier here: Contact us | ScienceDirect | Elsevier.

ASPET Discovery

ASPET DiscoveryThis open access journal publishes a range of article types, including original research articles, minireviews, and viewpoints that address all areas of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. These areas include, but are not limited to, topics on interactions of chemicals with biological systems; drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and disposition; drug delivery; mechanisms of drug actions; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; toxicology and adverse drug responses; behavioral pharmacology and drugs of abuse; and preclinical, translational, and clinical pharmacology. More

The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental TherapeuticsA leading research journal in the field of pharmacology, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics provides broad coverage of all aspects of the interactions of chemicals with biological systems, including autonomic, behavioral, cardiovascular, cellular, clinical, developmental, gastrointestinal, immuno-, neuro-, pulmonary, and renal pharmacology, as well as analgesics, drug abuse, metabolism and disposition, chemotherapy, and toxicology. More

Drug Metabolism and Disposition

Drug Metabolism and Disposition

Drug Metabolism and Disposition presents important research in pharmacology and toxicology and is a valuable resource in drug design, drug metabolism, drug transport, expression of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters, and regulation of drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter gene expression. More

Molecular Pharmacology

Molecular Pharmacology

Molecular Pharmacology publishes findings derived from the application of innovative structural biology, biochemistry, biophysics, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology to basic pharmacological problems that provide mechanistic insights that are broadly important for the fields of pharmacology and toxicology. More

Pharmacological Reviews

Pharmacological Reviews Pharmacological Reviews presents important review articles covering the broad spectrum of pharmacological research. Topics covered have included biochemical and cellular pharmacology, drug metabolism and disposition, renal pharmacology, neuropharmacology, behavioral pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, and toxicology. IUPHAR nomenclature reports are published here. More

In Collaboration

Pharmacology Research & Perspectives

Pharmacology Research & Perspectives

PR&P is a collaboration between ASPET, the British Pharmacological Society, and Wiley. An open access journal that publishes original research, reviews, and perspectives in all areas of preclinical and clinical pharmacology, therapeutics, education, and related research areas, PR&P began bimonthly publication in October 2013. More

Archived Journal

Molecular Interventions

Molecular Interventions

Publication of Molecular Interventions ceased following the April 2011 issue. MI is now archived in the CLOCKSS digital repository. The journal's web site hosted by HighWire Press was shut down. MI is now freely available at CLOCKSS web site. More

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